iD L secret characters question


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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Hi there!

So if you want to complete all the 32 TamaTomos, you need to get all of the characters.

But 2 of these are 'special characters' which you can only get by connecting to 6 different Tamagotchis..

So my question is..

Can't you just connect to one Tamagotchi, and then reset it and connect again, and reset it and so on untill you connected 6 times?

Will that work?

Because I am not going to buy 6 iD L's.. That's a lot of money..

I hope my English is ok!

Omg! That's GREAT news! I thought I would never be able to collect these secret characters, so I am REALLY happy now!

Btw, does this also work with connecting to the iD, P's or the +Color? (Or do you really need to connect to an iD L?)

I believe the iD L can connect to any color version as of this moment, so yes. It's actually called the "reset trick method" and I have done the same thing before as well. :)

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