I was cheated on.


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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2006
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USA, baby, USA. <3
I was cheated on.


I don’t know if this will interest many of you, but I really had to let this out some place, and I chose here.

I’ll start from the beginning - there’s this guy in my year, and we were friends. His name was M (well, not literally, but that’s what we’ll call him). He seemed so loyal and trustworthy. And he was funny and good-looking, with an excellent personality. We really clicked. And one day, at our school dance, the best thing that could have happened.. happened. He asked me to be his girlfriend, in the middle of a slow dance to one of my favourite songs. <33

The next 27 days of my life were amazing. He made me laugh and smile, and I genuinely believed that he really cared for me. But it didn’t last. One day, at lunch break, he just walked up to me and broke up with me. I was like, stunned. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t even ask why. And I pushed away when he tried to give me one last hug.

Since then, he’s still all I’ve been thinking about. I planned to go up to him, apologise for whatever I had done and ask why he broke up with me. I had some kind of dream that we’d get back together. But before I got the chance, one of my best friends who is also friends with him told me the reason he’d dumped me.

He had another girlfriend.

I just started crying uncontrollably. In the middle of the lunch hall. So many people turned to look at me. D: But that happens a lot; that’s not the problem. I’d been cheated on. The guy of my dreams has another girlfriend. And what’s more, he’s taking her to our school dance the day after tomorrow. He hadn’t told anyone except my trusted best friend. And she doesn’t lie; she’s terrible at it, anyway. I never thought that this would happen to me. I feel absolutely crushed. And I can’t even say anything to him about it; I just want to cry. How could he do something like that?? I thought he really liked me. Was I not even worth his full attention?

Thanks for reading, guys. I love you all. Any advice/help would be so appreciated. <33

Wow! I'm so sorry! He obviously wasn't good enough for you if he could do that!

Anyway, advice for the dance. You don't have to listen to me but here it goes ...

Get a close guy friend (or your friend's older brother if they have one) to go to the dance with you.

You have to show M what he's missing.

Then, if he tries to come near you, act like you're in demand. If he wants to talk say something like: "I only have a minute, so make it quick"

If he asks you out, just laugh and walk away.

He'll regret what he did. You'll feel better. He might want to get with you but you just taught him that will never happen.

Even if he doesn't talk to you, you'll still have a blast with your mates and might have alot of fun with the guy you brought with you.

Like I said, take my advice if you want to. If not, I tried.

Good Luck!


Oh, that sucks. Thus, the reason I don't date. I know the guys at my school are the type that would do that, so I avoid getting hurt by not letting any if them in. That was a selfish action of his, to string you along, and to finally break up with you when he was ready. If that as me, i'd be sure to look my best at the dance, give him one hard look of hate, and be off to socialize with my friends. Just giving him subtle reminders about what he's missing and how torn apart you are. If he's not shallow or superficial, he'll feel terrible.

You know what? Bull crud.

Everyone comes on here and says, "ohh, he's not worth it" and "You deserve better"

But you always raved about him, I saw it.

You really like him, I suggest you demand to know why he cheated on you, tell him you are really upset he did something like that, and ask him if he's happy.

(A good time to burst out singing "Should have Said No- Taylor Swift)

Finally, ask him why in his right mind he thought she was better than you. Why?

You deserve a full explanation, not just a "Oh, we're done."

Why? Hmm? This guy, he was a wonderful thing to happen to you, and he crushed you.

Jealousy is a good revenge, but I doubt it would work.

Let him wallow in his pity D:<

Kay, I feel I'm done.

Oh, and, I'm sorry ;.;

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Thanks so much, you guys. <3

I've arranged to go the Dance with my two best friends. I know I'll feel crushed when I see him with this other girl. Especially if she's way prettier than me! D:

But you guys are such a help. xx

And Feebee, I don't think he's shallow/superficial, but then again, I guess I didn't ever know who he really was if I couldn't ever have guessed this was coming. It's smart to stay out of dating, I guess. I'm just a little boy-crazy. But, man, love can seriously hurt.

EDIT; Plazmical Ecstasy has just posted. Again, thank you. <33 I feel I have to talk to him, or I'll have a breakdown. But he doesn't know that my friend told me. I think it's going to be some sick kind of surprise at the dance. D:

I guess I'll just have to wait.

You're right, I did rave about him. I really did like him. I shouldn't let him treat me like this; I know I wouldn't make any exceptions for anyone other than him. So, thank you. xx

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You know what? ********.Everyone comes on here and says, "ohh, he's not worth it" and "You deserve better"

But you always raved about him, I saw it.

You really like him, I suggest you demand to know why he cheated on you, tell him you are really upset he did something like that, and ask him if he's happy.

(A good time to burst out singing "Should have Said No- Taylor Swift)

Finally, ask him why in his right mind he thought she was better than you. Why?

You deserve a full explanation, not just a "Oh, we're done."

Why? Hmm? This guy, he was a wonderful thing to happen to you, and he crushed you.

Jealousy is a good revenge, but I doubt it would work.

Let him wallow in his pity D:<

Kay, I feel I'm done.

Oh, and, I'm sorry ;.;
I love you


Time will heal the wounds, I promise. And you always have friends to rely on. In fact, if you had me as a friend, you'd also have ultimate revenge. But sadly, I'm here in Texas, and cannot attack anyone in another state. Remember, you always have us to rant to. We love you, Ester!

That's horrible. I feel really bad for you, Esther. <33

We all love you in your time of need! ;3

;.; Im so sorry......Plazimal Ecstasy is right. Demand to know why he broke up with you. Ask him, "Was I not always kind and freindly towards you? Or did you break up with me for another reason?"

Aww, I'm sorry! That must feel terrible! But look at it this way...if that boy was sneaky and rude enough to cheat on you, he most definitely does not deserve somebody that seems as nice as you!

Wow. I got cheated on once but since i'm a little violent I went for the give him a black eye and a sore man bits option.

I don't recommend it if you don't want to crush him so bad in shame cos he got beaten by a girl he has to move to another school.

You need to get him to confess and apologize. If hes gonna cheat hes gonna apologize or i'll jump on a plane and get him to even if it means touture.

Talk to him and get his story straight and don't cry infront of him but make sure he gets the point that hes a worthless cheater who just broke your heart.

No one does that to people i've never met but think are decent human beans.

Get back to us and update us on this low life cheater.

Awww..Esther D:

Im very sad for you. I've never had a boyfriend, but I dont really want one or feel like I need one. I honestly hope everything will be okay, and Im sure somewhere out there, the perfect guy is waiting for you.

Dont give up, he's just not good enough for you.


Thank you so much, everyone, I love you all. <33

Good thing I can come on TT to rant to you all about this kind of thing - you guys make me feel special even when it's all going wrong.

Things are a lot better now. My friends are being really supportive - I still wish I could talk to him about it, though. Confront him, ya know. But he trusted my friend with this piece of information thinking she wouldn't tell me. Luckily she's just too nice for that. ;]

But I don't want her to get in major trouble with him for telling me. So I just have to wait for this girl to be revealed to me at the Dance tomorrow. D:

Again, guys, thank you so much. You help me more than you would know and I love you all for it. <33

^^ Hang on, Esther! [What, everyone else was saying Esther, I did cos im cool]

Confront him anyway. Your friend did the right thing telling you. He shouldn't have cheated if he didn't want you find out, so therefore go nutters at him. Don't let him get away with it, plan yeeee revenge!

Ooooh...that sucks.

I feel your pain...kinda. The so called "guy of my dreams" who I though was once for me ends up to have basically, PMS. If you want to understand what I mean, listen to "Hot N Cold" by Katy Perry.

And I felt your pain a few months ago, when I found out my old crush liked someone else. It was like being dropped in a giant craphole. And the only thing that I could use to calm me down, was "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry. It was the first time I sung along to that song.

Go listen to it and sing along. Don't think about the words. Focus on the catchy beat and you'll feel better. :p

I am so sorry!!! I hope you feel better because you are the most awesome lunatic in the world <333

Listen to music, it takes you to a completly different world. That is how I relax the night before a big test, it might take your mind off of him.

^^ Hang on, Esther! [What, everyone else was saying Esther, I did cos im cool]Confront him anyway. Your friend did the right thing telling you. He shouldn't have cheated if he didn't want you find out, so therefore go nutters at him. Don't let him get away with it, plan yeeee revenge!
I don't think revenge would work. Plus, everyone is calling her Esther because that is her real name.

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