I was assalted at school!


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I would whack him across the head!I

I'd be like u walka!!!!!!!

Dudette, if he did that to me he would wake up in a Colma. To be safe I suggest you learn how to defend yourself, atleast it would fair then

Good Idea, but I still have a bad paranoia...

You need to have some friends stay close to you all the time that guy really sucks balls if he would do that to you. He should be the one sent to a new school! Or at least go to juvi. This kid neeeds some serious punishment.

Wow. That's horrible. That's all I can say. :furawatchi:

Well, you know what I think? You both deserved this punishment, and it's totally fair.

But I still think that he is the one who needs some straightening out.

Talk to your principal if you're still feeling a little worried about this situation.

See, but keep in mind that he also payed an assault charge.

But instead of complaining about it, try focusing on the lesson learned from this mistake.

And stay away from him from now on.

This guy needs more than 3 days of suspension.

I would'nt go far arguing, but putting your point across the school may be OK.

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i personally would have just told a teacher if you would have it might not have happend but no he should not have hit you like that

Hmm, I don't wanna sound harsh or anything, but that sounds a little made up... He wouldn't just get suspended for something like that... were the police contacted? Or are you just leaving some info out?
I have to agree with you.

If that really happened, he would be charged with assault and possibly battery. He would have be expelled no questions asked.

If a cop really talked to you they would have to by law do something about it. If he committed an assault on you he would be thrown in juvi and expelled from the school. Not given a three-day suspension and told he can't go to recess.

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