I seriously need help


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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
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Connecticut, United States
Ok, as you may have seen my topic about "rawr" and her ruining my website. Here is what I said in that topic:

"I have a website, and this girl (my bff's friend) keeps going on my website and posting mean things about me on there. I deleted the photo gallery, guestbook, chat box, and everything she can post stuff on.

So, let's call the "evil person" rawr.

I went up to her in school today at lunch and said " rawr get off my website and I know you said your life was ruining my website" and she said "no" and I said "well megan (my bff) told me you said that" and she said "oh yeah!!!!" and then i said" so get off my website it's getting me mad" and she said "no" and so I walked away and I kind of screamed "GET OFF!!!!"

I just need help. My website is pretty much blank now, and I have a few secret websites. Should I either...

~Delete it and tell her "ha ha i deleted my website"

~Yell at her

~Etc (please post)

And did I mention that I NEVER did anything to her and she just hates me for no reason???

It's just really bugging me. I just need some advice or suggestions.

Oh, did I also mention that megan (my bff) doesn't believe me when I say rawr won't get off my website, she is ruining it, and being a... well this is what I call her behind her back, butt face. (just so I don't have to say her real name in real life)"

So, that's what it says.

Yesterday at a place called Cougars Den, where 6th graders from my school can hang out every other friday night from 7 to 9, rawr was making fun of me. And so was her friend. My friend Megan (ex friend) is best friends with rawr. They hung out in the Dance Room most of the time there. Rawr and her friend kept on coming up to me and my friend (Brianna) and calling us names and making fun of us. From the beginning of Cougars Den to the end I was crying. My friend Ryan kept on trying to cheer me up, but it didn't work. (I think he likes me anyway but I've known him since kindergarten). Everyone that are girls that I saw (even if I didn't know them) would ask "what's wrong?" then I'd tell them and then they'd hug me and say either "I feel really bad for you" or "I hate when people are sad" or "I don't know who you are but I feel really bad for you. Everyone felt bad for me.

Rawr was also making faces at me. Since I took everything off my website she said "I see what it says on your website and im gonna tell the principal, teachers, and all of your prissy little friends." At school the guidance counselors said that they can't help with anything off of the computer, even if it is bullying, because they don't know if it is true or fake.

I've been crying on and off today.

Also, my life is already bad enough. Here is everything that's wrong.

My parents smoke : P

I'm always upset

My best friend ever tried to kill herself and now she's in the hospital and I'm never gonna see her again

I'm losing friends

I've moved on and made new friends that are more popular and some of my friends don't know them or aren't as popular as them (I think I might just try to stick with the popular kids that are my friends because they don't get me mad/upset)

And everything!!!

My face was a bright red yesterday and everyone felt really bad.

I really need help. What should I do about everything!!?!?! (and yes, I tried to get my parents to stop smoking and it isn't as easy as it seems)

Please, please help.

:) MemetchiTamagotchi :eek:

I think you should make a new website and dont tell her and keep the other one so she is just talking to air. I know what your talking about with the parents smoking my dad had 3 heart attacks in 1 day from it thats what made him stop and now my sister smokes well she start when she was 16. with being uset all the time i'm the same, watever is making you sad try not to think about it. I know eaier said then done. I say stay with the friends that exept you for you and are there for you people who aren't like that aren't real friends and your friend that tried to kill herself I'm not quite sure about that i hoped i help even a little.

Good luck.


^I did. Well I didn't keep my old one. I try to not think about them. And it helped.

Oh, and this is my other account. :D

Thx. Any others want to help?

I just need help. My website is pretty much blank now, and I have a few secret websites. Should I either...
~Delete it and tell her "ha ha i deleted my website"

~Yell at her

~Etc (please post)
Don't yell at Rawr. Honestly. She probably just wants to see you react and get mad, and she probably wants attention. You can use reverse phsycology [my personal favorite way to fix things] and tell her that it's cool for her to be on your website, and that you think it's nice. If you do that, it'll take away the 'rebel' factor for her. It's no fun to trash a site if no one cares you're doing it. Once she figures that you don't care what she does, she'll probably stop. It sucks all the fun out of what she's doing, and it catches her off-guard. :furawatchi:

Either that, or delete the site. If you didn't want her on the site in the first place, you shouldn't have given her the link. Delete the site, and let her see that it's deleted. Then if you want, make a new one, and be very careful about who you give the URL out to.

Yelling at her won't do anything.

My parents smoke : P
I'm sorry to hear that! My dad smokes too, and so does my grandmother. But you have to accept that there is nothing you can do about this. It isn't your battle to fight. Just let it go.

I'm always upset
How long have you been upset? If you've been sad for 2 weeks or more, you can at least be diagnosed with minor depression. And I'm taking this as everything that is going on in your life is making you upset? Well, it's okay to get upset. It's normal. But if you're so sad you are having issues functioning and moving on with your daily life, and if this has been going on for a while, you should probably talk to an adult you trust. Parents? Maybe. Your school Guidance Counselor is honestly a good choice. They'll get you the help you need, and advise you to take the appropriate steps to find your happiness again.

My best friend ever tried to kill herself and now she's in the hospital and I'm never gonna see her again
Hun, I have had MANY friends that have attempted to kill themselves. I still worry about them, but most of them are doing fine right now. I understand completely that you are upset about them. But what I don't get is why you will never see her again. This sounds like a bit of an overreaction statement to me. If she's in the hospital, chances are she'll get the treatment she needs, start seeing a therapist, and still be able to go to school. Either that or she'll go to a 'special' school that works with troubled kids, but if you really want to, you can totally still stay in touch with her.

And on another note, do not tell her how stupid she was, why would she ever do such a thing, etc, if / when see her again. That's only going to make her feel worse about herself. Instead, be there for her. Let her know that you haven't abandoned her, and that you'll always be around for her to lean on. Tell her you are glad she's okay. Just be there. That'll mean more to her than can possibly be put into words.

I'm losing friends
Do you know WHY you're losing friends? And besides, if your 'friends' are abandoning you, they probably weren't very good friends in the first place.

I've moved on and made new friends that are more popular and some of my friends don't know them or aren't as popular as them (I think I might just try to stick with the popular kids that are my friends because they don't get me mad/upset)
First of all, are you trying to be friends with these, 'popular' kids for all the wrong reasons? Take a reality check first. Are you friends with them because you want to be and you enjoy their company, or because you want to be, 'popular' too?

And you can totally keep both groups of your friends, dear. Just because you have moved on to a new set of friends, doesn't mean you can't keep your old ones. Even if the two groups of people don't get along, they don't really have to. Spend time with your new friends, and set aside times to kick back with your old ones.

This isn't a complicated problem, honestly. Just stay friends with everyone, and don't burn your bridges. The more friends you have, the merrier. You don't have to give up your old friends to be with your new ones. And if your new, 'popular' friends are telling you you have to give up your old friends to hang with them, then they probably aren't your friends, hun.

Hope this all helped. If you have any more questions / problems or anything you want to discuss, just PM me. :D

^ I think Cinderpelt basically said everything best.

Also, maybe you can password ptotect your site. If nobody else likes rawr, maybe you can tell others the password and they wouldn't tell it to rawr because they disagree with what she's doing, too. Unless they like rawr. :D

I hate people like rawr, too. :furawatchi:

Don't yell at Rawr. Honestly. She probably just wants to see you react and get mad, and she probably wants attention. You can use reverse phsycology [my personal favorite way to fix things] and tell her that it's cool for her to be on your website, and that you think it's nice. If you do that, it'll take away the 'rebel' factor for her. It's no fun to trash a site if no one cares you're doing it. Once she figures that you don't care what she does, she'll probably stop. It sucks all the fun out of what she's doing, and it catches her off-guard. <_<
Either that, or delete the site. If you didn't want her on the site in the first place, you shouldn't have given her the link. Delete the site, and let her see that it's deleted. Then if you want, make a new one, and be very careful about who you give the URL out to.

Yelling at her won't do anything.

I'm sorry to hear that! My dad smokes too, and so does my grandmother. But you have to accept that there is nothing you can do about this. It isn't your battle to fight. Just let it go.

How long have you been upset? If you've been sad for 2 weeks or more, you can at least be diagnosed with minor depression. And I'm taking this as everything that is going on in your life is making you upset? Well, it's okay to get upset. It's normal. But if you're so sad you are having issues functioning and moving on with your daily life, and if this has been going on for a while, you should probably talk to an adult you trust. Parents? Maybe. Your school Guidance Counselor is honestly a good choice. They'll get you the help you need, and advise you to take the appropriate steps to find your happiness again.

Hun, I have had MANY friends that have attempted to kill themselves. I still worry about them, but most of them are doing fine right now. I understand completely that you are upset about them. But what I don't get is why you will never see her again. This sounds like a bit of an overreaction statement to me. If she's in the hospital, chances are she'll get the treatment she needs, start seeing a therapist, and still be able to go to school. Either that or she'll go to a 'special' school that works with troubled kids, but if you really want to, you can totally still stay in touch with her.

And on another note, do not tell her how stupid she was, why would she ever do such a thing, etc, if / when see her again. That's only going to make her feel worse about herself. Instead, be there for her. Let her know that you haven't abandoned her, and that you'll always be around for her to lean on. Tell her you are glad she's okay. Just be there. That'll mean more to her than can possibly be put into words.

Do you know WHY you're losing friends? And besides, if your 'friends' are abandoning you, they probably weren't very good friends in the first place.

First of all, are you trying to be friends with these, 'popular' kids for all the wrong reasons? Take a reality check first. Are you friends with them because you want to be and you enjoy their company, or because you want to be, 'popular' too?

And you can totally keep both groups of your friends, dear. Just because you have moved on to a new set of friends, doesn't mean you can't keep your old ones. Even if the two groups of people don't get along, they don't really have to. Spend time with your new friends, and set aside times to kick back with your old ones.

This isn't a complicated problem, honestly. Just stay friends with everyone, and don't burn your bridges. The more friends you have, the merrier. You don't have to give up your old friends to be with your new ones. And if your new, 'popular' friends are telling you you have to give up your old friends to hang with them, then they probably aren't your friends, hun.

Hope this all helped. If you have any more questions / problems or anything you want to discuss, just PM me. <_<
Well I just lost one friend. So far.

But the thing with my parents smoking is that I have asthma, and to me if feels like I'm allergic. So when I'm home I'm ALWAYS either outside, in my room or in my playroom. Or in my clubhouse (outside).

And I just got to middle school last summer, so I'm in 6th grade. I made lots of friends, and saw friends and became friends with them again because I used to cheerlead with them.

Dude, I am in 6th grade and my friend tried to kill herself. She has anger issues too, but they aren't bad at all.

Thanks. And thanks to everyone.

Do you need this website? I'm sure what she wants you to do is delete it. She seems to want to get under your skin. Don't let her. Be the bigger person. Though if it gets to a point, involve your parents.

Sorry if this is completely irrelevant now, but I haven't read the big comments above :p


My friends were trying and succeding to kill themselves while I was in the fourth grade. Thats something that happenes to everyone.

Your problems are problems, but not terribly bad problems.

Friends come and go, drift apart, and turn out not to be to good of friends. This is the way things are. It is your job to learn how to deal with it and move on.

People make fun of you, no matter where you are in life. If your famous, they suck up to you and make fun of you behind tour back, spreading dirty rumors about you. If your poor, they make fun of you for being poor. If you are somewhere in the middle, they search out your faults.

Theres no getting away from people making fun of you, and this is the way things are.

As for your website and dealing with these people who are intentionally out there to get you, that is a different matter. People looking for attention will do anything to get it, but their tactics are simple and are easily figure out. All you have to do is yank the air out of their wings- fwoosh!- and their back down to your level. yes, it is your job to figure out how to do this, but if your creative enough youll figure something out :3

What you DONT want to do is encourage them She probably wants to get you angry, to make you shut down the site, blah blah. Well, dont get angry with her. Act indifferent, and they usually stop. Or, just block her router compleatly. That usually works too.

At school it is different. Dont look for pity out of the situation and feed her fire- but that is about as far as I can go. Im not a therapist x3 Everyone I know deals with problems differently, but it is the ones who look for pity and feed off their friends that end up on the loosing end of the stick, and its the ones who know how to handle themselves that end up at the top of the food chain.

Thx SOOOOOOOOO much everyone! I'm just gonna ignore her. If she makes fun of me, I'll do what my Dad told me to do-when I walk past her laugh or cough really hard.

If a mod would do the honors and close this topic-I think I am ok now, and know what to do.

*closed by request of topic starter*

I'm glad you think everything is going to work out! Just remember for every tough situation you are in: you can't control the way that other people act, but you can control the way you act and by doing that make the situation better.

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