I made a speach today in front of my school


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2005
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Right now? Uh.... computer.
I made a speach at my school. Enjoy.

"We are all very sorry to hear about the people who died yesterday at the Virginia Tech, but their deaths will not be in vein. For the people who lost their lives, for the people who sacrificed their lives for others, for the people who got wounded, and for the people who will be scarred for the rest of their lives, not to mention their families.

"This day, is a day of mourning. The whole Nation is mourning, and people in other countries are mourning, for people who they don't even know. It just goes to show how strong the world can be, even with it's gangstas, stereotypes, and so on, so fourth.

"No one was ready for this, no one was prepared, and no one knew how serious the situation could be. 32 people got killed, doesn't seem much, does it?" (Audience shruggs) "Well, it may not be much to us, but to the victims' families, friends, and aquantiences, it is so much more, than 32 people.

"A person can be very close to you, and I am sure that many of you know that. But once your boyfriend, your girlfriend, mom, dad, siter, or brother dies, you can never see them again. Never hear their voice again. Never hold their hand again. With one shot of a gun, they are most likely to be gone, and never seen again.

"The gunman had two guns, which he legally purchased. The bullets were so thick, that they could chip concrete walls. Students who survived the shooting, will never forget that day, or who died.

"But, after an infamous day, their is recovery. Their is light once more. And as a comunity, as a world, we can heal. The moment after something tragic like this happens, everyone has a doubt in there mind that they will never heal. But as days go by, they learn to. They don't even try, but somehow, they seem to be getting better. That is the astonishment about the spirit; it may die, but only for a little bit.

"So, my fellow schoolmates, the people who died, are not forgotten. It's just the opposite.

"Thank you."

I started to cry in the middle. Well, I got choaky. So, do you like it? I saw some of the teacher's eyes become watery.


It even made me get get those tears in my eyes. It was a terrific speech and I am sure the victims the witnesses and families appreciate it. The teachers and the students of your school had to have felt something while listening to your spectcauliar speech. That they never realized that this really happened and that it was all a dream. Most of wish it could only be that simply but its not this DID happen and it DID kill many. Though we have to remember these things only happen to teach us how important the people around us are. May God be in the families prayers and in the mourn we can recover. I know I am keeping them i my prayers and wishing them the most during these rough days. God is Love

"No one was ready for this, no one was prepared, and no one knew how serious the situation could be. 32 people got killed, doesn't seem much, does it?" (Audience shruggs) "Well, it may not be much to us, but to the victims' families, friends, and aquantiences, it is so much more, than 32 people.
"A person can be very close to you, and I am sure that many of you know that. But once your boyfriend, your girlfriend, mom, dad, siter, or brother dies, you can never see them again. Never hear their voice again. Never hold their hand again. With one shot of a gun, they are most likely to be gone, and never seen again.

"The gunman had two guns, which he legally purchased. The bullets were so thick, that they could chip concrete walls. Students who survived the shooting, will never forget that day, or who died.

"But, after an infamous day, their is recovery. Their is light once more. And as a comunity, as a world, we can heal. The moment after something tragic like this happens, everyone has a doubt in there mind that they will never heal. But as days go by, they learn to. They don't even try, but somehow, they seem to be getting better. That is the astonishment about the spirit; it may die, but only for a little bit.

"So, my fellow schoolmates, the people who died, are not forgotten. It's just the opposite.
That part of your speech really made me keep on reading. It was really sad and touching. I didn't even know what happened until now, I though a bomb went off or something. It's just really sad that someone would even think of doing that. Alimania, That was an excellent speech and I'm not surprised that some people's eyes became watery.

Thank you.

You know, when things like this happen, you hate to relize that they happen; you want to think it's a dream and tomorrow morning you will wake up. But, that's the real world, and sometimes you can't wake up. You just have to help/let others heal.


Whoa, that is so beautiful. I thought I was an excellent writer (and I am), but I've never seen anything so emotional, so beautfiul, so real. Really, really, REALLY spectacular job.

Thank you, all of you.

I guess you can say that it came from the heart. thos epeople didn't deserve that. I think everyone can agree on that.


Listening to a touching song and reading this almost mad me cry. The speech was so touching. Did you make that up or did you write it down on a peice of paper? Those people didn't decerve (sp?) that at all! It is so unfair they had to lose their lifes in such a tragic way! ;)

That was really good.

Some people wonder why do these things happen? Why me, why them, why now? But we always have to remember without sacrifice we can't know true love, without pain we can't know true happiness.

And without friends things can go seriously wrong...

If you see a person who looks like everything is falling apart- maybe they are being picked on, maybe the dropped their books, maybe they are new and have no friends, maybe people who look like everything is going right actualy don't and put a fake smile on-don't just turn your back on these people- love them. You never know what's going on in someone's life, in someone's head. Who knows, you could help save a life just by saying a few kind words. ;]

Don't wait for the world to change- it starts with you.

Listening to a touching song and reading this almost mad me cry. The speech was so touching. Did you make that up or did you write it down on a peice of paper? Those people didn't decerve (sp?) that at all! It is so unfair they had to lose their lifes in such a tragic way! :gozarutchi:
I made that up as I watched CNN the day it happened after school. The next day I presented it. I showed my teacher and she said I didn't have a choice; I was going to read it.

And tamaw/pants, you are right, you have to change something if you feel its right, not someone else.


I forgot that my school was really quiet after I spoke. Is that bad, or respectful?
Very respectful, how nice. I cried :D Darn Cho * glares at Cho *

Wow, well written, good use of words and peiced together quite nicely.

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