I Love Lucy! A Lucielicious adventure!


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Okay, I've decided, I will not log about the Flash family in this log, just Lucy, curse i feel like it.




I'm still sad about school being tomorrow.



Lucy had another marriage request, this time she got a Lamb-thing, I said no.


But it was awfully cute:3


Nothing else really, except Lucy has hit 99 pounds, which is a fail on my part.




Is this, is this the new upgrade?



Weelll, i'm just going to have to deal with it.


Oh de oof, new text colours. I like. <3


OTAYY, now for the logging part







I think i'm changing the colour of mai logging now tho... to...

Blue violet-ness FTW!

-Lexi (still dont get this.)

I just noticed something, Now I can do fast replies like they're normal replies... nice.

I think i like the new tamatalk, its... like facebook.

Thats 'k I guess, its also hard to finding my log, since I'm having trouble finding the library on the main page. (?)


On to Lucy: Being an oldie and all she's pretty darn awesome:3<3

She shall talk then:


She insisted on me getting a better colour now that i'm not a kuchipatchi. I mean, come on. Its not like green is a BAD colour or anything... right?

I wake up at 7 now and apperantly that works really great with my caretaker. What a juvenile, I mean, who in her grade doesn't go to school before 7 anyway?

Lots of people *Old hag

Do not worry darling tamatalkers *creeper* she will be less grumpy tomorrow, its almost her "bed time"









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:3 Lucy was doing awesome today. But I ACCIDENTALLY Paused her.

For laike, 13 minutes! :{


She totally did, like seriously. Not cool.

IDK if you forgot this but Lucy, You're not a teenager anymore.

*Glares at me in horror

Hehehe. Poor old lady.

ALSO;; As of Oct. 20th Lucy is my oldest tama, and my first Oldie!

Claps for me and Lucy! (CLAP MINIONS.)


Okay, I think i'll start a diary fer Lucy. So here we go:



Errm, I've decided to take on knitting, crochet

is just to hard, also, Lexi said that I should

play a sport, because i'm "fat", but how can she

expect a little old lady like me to play sports?

it was her fault, she let it happen, and now that i'm

old it just WILL NOT WORK, I mean, heading, bump, for

a 12 year old?

Until next time,




Poor cranky sap.




Lucy pooped. You would think a 70 year old would know how to do it right.

but whatever.




I was just thinking, "Why do tama's get sick so randomly?"

ALSO, "Lucy is way too fat."




Hello, I should change my color, as i don't like this purple... soo...

Hello. I think this is a cute color.

I might be going on a weight watchers program with Lucy, as she is STILL fat.


Thats my fault, but never fear tamatalkers, over the weekend I promise to make Lucy skinny.

I think i'm starting to have anxiety over her. Its because whenever I leave her alone for over an hour i get all worried.


Haha, I lurve making this face: :?|, it looks like some old guy with a nose ring.


Know what?

I think i should post fanmail, I've been getting a lot lately, but not mentioning it as I'd feel like a show-off.




Another thing, Lucy looks really weird when she is sleeping.

:| Seriously.

At least I don't talk in my sleep.

Meh. She is so cranky and rude in her senior years, but being fat tends to make people unhappy, so I guess it makes sense.



OH! yeah, i'm getting good ratings for my log, so thanks you guys! keep it up, and remember to rate nicely! ^-^ ILY.



OKAY! this color is so not working.


Its cute but not good.

I think blue looks good, because Miss Berry was writing with it on her log.



:3 'Tis a cute color, I like it most.. i think.

I just let Lucy play with her trumpet, Good Job Lucy!

Well, you know me, always being my best *blushes*

Oh! So the way to Lucy's heart is flattery. >:'D


-Lexi &Lucy!

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I just noticed that you could add images to your Tamalog.

Also learned from Adee's log.

Now who's feeling inferior?So i must, of course try it out...



Also, if you didn't, check out her log. (win Oldie tama above) ^^^

Its fabulous.






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*is a colour stealer.

I lurve how i'm american but i spell colour the other way.


Today Lucy is 13, YAY!

She looked a little Pisshed right now tho.

Maybe its because she's old and fat.


Kidding. I love her old, but not fat.

Maybe i'll give her an "item"

I let her wear the hat.


Lookin' hot there Luc.

Well, you know me, ALWAYS looking my best. *blinks eyes rapidly*
Heh. Flattery. Still.


~Lexi g o t c h i

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Hai Thar.

Lucy is doing cool.

Nothing much has happened in her life lately, but w/e.


I think... I think I need another character, to be Lucy's OTHER caretaker. Like Mr. Snuffelophifgus. (A.K.A Snuffel)

He ish a Platypus.

I also think that I enjoy FKOD's log style quite much, and if it doesn't bother Him/Her to much I might use it, like use as in just the Adeeblahblee: qevgngngngngngn Daesahblahh: hgfytgvw


So maybe like this:

Lucy: Why hello handsome Snuffelophigus.

Lexi: Don't get any ideas love bird, Mr. Snuffel is mine.

Lucy: But you are a human being.

Lexi: But he is my Platypus.

Mr. Snuffel: Oh my, I've become quite popular in my senior years.

Lucy: And another thing, he is MY age, not 11.

Mr. Snuffel: Must I be the only male?

Lexi: Shuttup Snuffel, Were arguing here, anyway lucy, he's like your unrelated daddy, not boyfriend, ALSO! I'm not trying to date a stuffed animal. He's mine as in I get to hug him because he is a stuffed animal and I am Human. So ha..!

Lucy: If Mr. Snuffel wants to do a date with me than he can.

Lexi: Dating your daddy? PROPAGANDA!

Lucy: Like dating a babysitter, and i'm as old as him.

Mr. Snuffel: Oh, I'm sure i'm not eligible for this form of love you call "dating". =^-^=

Lexi: Ha!

Lucy: But you know you love me.

Lexi: Haha. Dumb adults.

Lucy: I'm much more mature then you, so keep yakkin'.

Lexi: Orly? Then why do I have to still clean up your poop?

Lucy: ...

Mr. Snuffelophigus: Oh my. Woman.

-Lexie. {not Lexi.}

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Logging is a bit addicting. xD

Because its so fun. But I must log about something that Lucy wants to tell you very badly...

Lexi: I'm sorry Lucy, but tell me what you're cranky about.

Lucy: Today, while we were at your school.

Lexi: But why?

Lucy: BECAUSE, FIRST, you don't pay any attention to me and I get hungry, THEN, you take me out in the rain, THEN, you take me to P.E when you usually don't and i got all stirred up with your binding and snapping and running, THEN, you have a fire drill that I had to deal with.

Lexi: My, what a list. And I so never bended and snapped.

Mr. Snuffelophigus: Hey, Lexi, When are we getting to that special room for me and Lucy?

Lexi: Later. And when I get to it you better not flirt!


Lexi:... sorry to embarrass you. But you know thats not what I meant.

Lucy: Me? Mr? In the same SMALL room. Oh, am I getting flustered.

Lexi: Dang Lucy, poor sap you are Thats uh... good to know?

Mr.: *Glances at her*

Lucy: Giggles. Then leaves in a giddy way.

Mr.: I have grown fond of Lucy I have.

Lexi: Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.


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Hello there.

I just got a new (free) van for summer trips.

Oh? So you mean that when you take me on trips i'll have my own separate seat?
No. If we make a sharp turn then you'll fall off.

But... would I have enough room for my own seat, even if I wasn't allowed to?
And that is the beginning of our conversation, if you want to hear the rest then read on, if not go die. (KIDDING! You don't have to!)

Lexi: Yeah, most of the time, that is unless mom would want to nap there.

Lucy: Dang, big van.

Mr. Snuffelophigus: Oh, would I get my own seat? Because i'm a stuffed animal?

Lexi: I'm not one to pamper, and now that I think of it our dogs would probably take it.

Mr.: How big are your dogs?

Lexi: Small, and vicious. the sweetest things ever actually.

Mr.: OH. Okay.

Lucy: But would I have a special place for me in the van?

Lexi: Of course. You're so small you could get lost if you didn't.

Lucy: yesss. YES YES YES.

Lexi: *Rolls Eyes*

How could a tama be so interested in a dumb junker car?



Today Lucy is 14, cool right?

:} Otherwise she is being boring, I didn't even have to take care of her besides ONCE.

Its fraidai, so tomorrow i'll start making her lose all of that weight.


Maybe i'll update with a conversation next post, but for now...




Seriously, All Lucy has done is pooped.

I thought oldies needed more care.

but I guess not.

I love her so much.<3




After Lucy died I died. Haha. xD

I'm back though. + better than everr.

Today I hatched Prada.

Yes, Prada, to take after Fendi's footsteps.

I hatched him not to become the worlds oldest tama, but to see how long he can live.

There's a difference, rightt?



Mr. Snuffelophigus is also alive.


So yay him.

Mr.: Ahh, its good to be back.

Me: Yep, back on duty.

Mr.: Its really a shame that Lucy died, so who's my new associate?

Me: Accoci- Uhh, his name is Prada.

Mr.: HIM? ITS A HIM? I should certainly tell you that I will NOT be bunking with a little boy, they're such rascals!

Baby girls are so much cuter.

Me: Okay, I'll just leave you in the closet to rot instead.

Mr.: -.- I'm to old for this.

Me: Duty starts tomorrow, see you there.>:3



I can't be on long but Prada evolved into a teenager!

:D cipe i wonk.

now, put that backwards and you'll have :


umm, yeah.

Prada has 2100 dollars.

:D Which is very lovely.

OH YES. His training is up halfway too...

I got him pizza and a cool pair of bat wings, I want to try them out when he's an adult!

Also he's the best teenager you can get on the v.3!



{m a k i n g it s h o r t.}

{Everything is g o o d.}

