I know the 'Masktchi Petetion' has come and past..


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HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im a newbie(MAYBE) :huh: :( ;) :(
Ya DarkCore, I was afraid a newbie might come here and say, "Hey! What's going on here!?!" It's kinda insulting, but you kind of have a point there, at least the newbies ShOuLd know. Plus, we were all new once! And ya, ppl copy a LOT. It's annoying and frustrating! And, worst of all... they get all the credit! If someone has an idea that they just HAVE to share, well...if I were them I'd be preeeetty disappointed. And ya, copying is one of my WORST enemies! lol! And guyzoz, if it's their idea, it's theirs to keep. Just like a treasure. Do not steal treasure! Really! Especialy mine! And (I don't know why I'm telling you this but anyways.....)I got a puppy like...a year ago, and I was camping with my friend (sorta a friend) when my mom came to spread the poochie news, my friend started whining and crying, and got super jealous. I tried to help her but she was practically kicking me! She's pretty much resembles to my baby sister, but the very next day her mom drove to the S.P.C.A. shelter and got her a poodle! I was furious! Now she keeps saying stuff like, "o, you're not afraid of wittle Maki poo, huh?(and why would I be afraid of some dumb ol' pooch anyway!) He's the best doggie in the world! yes he is! yes you are! Come here lil' maxi-kinns, show funkymunky your twicks! Good boy! yes you are! yes you are!" God...it's so annoying! I hate ppl like that! bla *looks at floor in disgusted way*!

waz up, i also hate it when peeps try 2 copy my ideas 2, and don't worry, im not a newbie

why would anybody do that. that's so dumb some ppl should learn to use their brains that's what their for! :( :rolleyes: :) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I agree that copying others ideas or work is an annoying thing.

Whenever I decide to create a thread I do a search check to see if it has been posted before. If it has I then add to the original one.

The problem is that it can be heavy going sorting through pages of stuff the search finds, even with the advanced search it can be hard to get a realistic size list.

I have also discovered a couple of times that threads were closed because they were "old" yet there seemed to be enough new members with something to say in them.

I guess what we are really talking about here is repeat threads being posted.

If guides notice a repeat thread it could be closed and a link given to the original.

If anyone notices a copy of their thread then post the link yourself.

Aside from listing this in the rules, these are the best methods I can think of to combat the copying problem.

oops.....sorry for the essay..... :eek: B)

I think almost everybody hates to have copied ideas, it's almost like how ppl copy nice avatars- I make avatars for ppl so they won't copy mine :angry:


Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not insulting newbies, I am just saying that's who mostly do it. 



I'm not trying to be mean, but please don't generalize. For all you know, people who have been on TamaTalk for a long time could be copying other people. :angry: ;)

im new here...so I really dont know whats a masktchi petition...im interested because my tamagotchi is one! :(

Some time back, people were arguing over the treatment of Maskutchi. They complained about people who reset their Tamagotchi when they got one, and made like 50 million topics about preventing Maskutchi abuse. Thre was some flaming, etc. Then all of the Maskutchi Petition topics were closed and forbidden.

Whats wrong with resetting tama's when you get one? And how do people ABUSE maskutchi? I mean he's quite cute... lol :maskutchi: :rolleyes:

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