I keep getting boys on Tamagotchi P's?


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Jul 15, 2011
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So I got a Tamagotchi P's two weeks ago and literally all four generations of my P's has been boys. I don't know if this has something to do with whatever or it was unintentional and random?

Completely random. Sometimes you'll get all boys for awhile and then sometimes all girls for awhile

Trust me, i had 10 generations of boys on my music star until i finally got a girl, its just randomized. :<

hmm, i notice that on my japanese tama si get boys a lot more than on my english ones, i get a lot of boys on my id l, and a lot less boys on my v4.5 and so.

maybe it depends on the tama being japanese or not?

On my Japanese iD L I got girls for about 6 generations straight. Can you explain? :p
Why, this is weird.

i remember getting 3 boys in a row, then 2 girls or so, and then boys all over again on my id l i tihnk, odd.

it's completely random. I've had three boys on my p's in a row now, but it's just coincidence.

I've got almost only boys on my IDL (nine generations, eight boys) and my Color+ (seven boys out of eight generations) ... I'd really like to raise a girl next time ^_^

The genders on most Tamagotchis are random, as many people said above. It could also have to do with Tamagotchi genetics since most of your Tamagotchis have been boys.

The genders on most Tamagotchis are random, as many people said above. It could also have to do with Tamagotchi genetics since most of your Tamagotchis have been boys.
Tamagotchi genetics? Never heard of them, what are they?

I believe it's just randomized whether you get a girl or a boy, I never thought it had anything to do with what the older Tamagotchis' genders were.

I share your problem! XD I've been raising several generations of only girls in BOTH my tamas!!! .-. I was starting to worry too, but now that I read this post I know it's common and I'm not worried anymore. ^_^

I'm having the same problem too, on both my ps I've had about 5/6 generations of boys. The only girl I've had was when I first got my first p and got a Himespetchi as my first adult.

EDIT: half an hour after posting this I got a girl so there you go :)

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*eye shift*

I haven't posted in this?

Honestly, I think its whom you choose. Which variable is higher (or number assigned) will be what gender your pet is. This likely makes no sense, but I find it true with marrying mametchi with others. I think he usually takes the high points. Usually, he gives me girls, but its not always true because he maybe paired with a higher number then he is.

Do I know the numbers? Nope. Will I ever find out? Nope. It would ruin the surprise. In short.

As I said, makes little to no sense explaining it because I don't have a good explaination of deciding the gender with the variables...

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