I HATE the Jonas Brothers


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I do, I'm tring to get everyone to hate the Jonas Brothers I just wanted to show I'm not like all the other girls.(no afence)
Your trying to get everyone to hate the Jonas Brothers!? What the!? Thats not right...you can't make people hate them...-.- This is really pissing me off. Just like people trying to change others relgion...If we like them, we like them end of story.

It's called an opinion.  


I've had a small bit more respect for the Jonas Brothers since I abandoned Disney Channel and haven't had to live through the episodes of Hannah Montana and "You're PRETTYYYYYY"

I'm not spazzing over them, though -__- Don't you dare say I'm a fan.

[SIZE=14pt]Everybody quiet!!!!!![/SIZE]

Please, people, just calm down!! Everyone has valid points and everyone is being ridiculous to each other! This is turning into a flame war, and this topic was just an argument waiting to happen. A very bad idea. Could a guide please close this topic that's filled with hating and arguments! :D

Huntr rocks, Greendaygirl829, bluexslip and Lynn Chan, you should all just calm down You're all just perfectly nice, reasonable people with different opinions about the JB that is causing this argument.

Look, JB haters, what was the point of starting this topic? Keep your hates and dissing to yourself ~ if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all! :blink:

But also, JB fans, would the Jonas Brothers really want you all to be getting into huge arguments about them??? NO!! I'm pretty sure they'd think it was ridiculous and immature.

Everyone. Just stop fighting, and close this ridiculous flame-war topic.

...Then what's the point of this topic? o.o;

Whats the point if this STUPID topic anyway? If one hates one, don't go OTT.

Theres TONS of Flute haters, I don't go "OMG!! YOUR SO MEAN YOUR JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE THEIR BETTER THAN ________!!!!!! OMG!!! I SHALL KILL YOU!!! FLUTES ARE BETTER THAN _____!!! " Can't you guys learn to keep stuff to yourself?! No offense, that may happen to me, but I don't get myself and other Po'd! If you don't like something, write it down on paper, not the internet! So a Flame doesn't happen, how about this is closed? Thats just me but whatever, you guys can get mad/sad over something SO STUPID! Its just gonna make you sick in the end(=( ), please: ALL OF YOU stop. I don't like to see anybody hurt.

[SIZE=7pt]god... :blink: [/SIZE]

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Well, I don't see the point of this... Its just a flame war waiting to happen.

...And isn't there a topic about the Jonas Brothers already in Stuff We Listen To?

You don't have to kill anyone. And I am sorry if I affended anyone from this topic, altought I do not thing this should be closed, so tell me why I should like the JB then guys.

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Yea there is. We should delete all the Jonas Brother topics and just keep one big Jonas Brother topic. This is like what happened with Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. People got into arguments about her,there were tons of topics about her. Eventually we only kept one topic about her.

People! Just stop posting I reported this topic it is probably going to be closed soon. So just stop posting in this topic.

You don't have to kill anyone. And I am sorry if I affended anyone from this topic, altought I do not thing this should be closed, so tell me why I should like the JB then guys.
Were not saying you should like them. Hate 'em or Love 'em its all good. But just don't start topics like these. A lot of girls dont like the Jonas Brothers but they dont make a topic saying I dont like the Jonas Brothers. So no ones really that "different" Your not the only one who doesnt like the Jonas Brothers. Just post in a Jonas Brothers topic that was already made. Instead of adding just one more topic to our already overflowing Non Tamatalk filled with Jo Broz topics. :D

P.S. Oh and you didnt offend me. :blink:

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Thank you for apologizing, but if you don't like them, we can be fine with that. If you go around asking for a flame by stating, "I'm DIFFERENT and it makes me SPECIAL that I HATE the Jonas Brothers because they SUCK!" We might not be so fine with that, because you don't see the Jonas Brother's fans parading all their "It makes me SPECIAL that I LOVE the Jonas Brothers!" topics. Getting the point? :blink:

It's fine that you don't like them, and it's fine when you say your opinion calmly in a topic meant for giving all opinions, positive or negative.

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Flute haters? 


Besides, there IS already a JB topic. This is just... Flamey D:
[SIZE=14pt]Yes, Flute haters.. Not saying this topic is about that! xD I was giving a example, very far from JB or HM... [/SIZE]

huntr rocks
You don't have to kill anyone. And I am sorry if I affended anyone from this topic, altought I do not thing this should be closed, so tell me why I should like the JB then guys.
[SIZE=14pt]No! That was a EXAMPLE. I don't want to kill anybody, killing is wrong and a criminal offense. I may dislike something(Lets say..Posers..xD),but I don't make topics about them...=3[/SIZE]

I don't think I'm special beacause of this. So lets just be normal now. ONE more time, I AM SORRY!!!!!!!! So Just STOP WITH THESE TYPES OF POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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