Well I have like 4 friends, not that many, but enough. One of them I've known since 2nd grade but she goes to a different school now and she is changing so I don't know about her ;-; One of them goes to my school but has none of our classes, not even lunch! And one of them is in most of our classes except homeroom and 4th period. And finally my best friend has all my classes! Even homeroom and we are both Assistants for the same place
So that's great~ We don't have lockers, only for PE we have lockers which aren't that great. I wish we did have lockers because I hate carrying around a heavy backpack all day and stuff. It's not that clean, but not that dirty either, it's pretty normal actually :/ A lot of people are a** holes though and just think they are cool for acting dumb and it's so stupid. And then my science teacher freakin' assigns so much homework and we barely started school and it's annoying and she already gave us a science test for one of the chapters. I don't like her. She is always changing her mind on things and getting confused and I can't understand her that well! She like says what the homework is but then she's like "never mind don't do this or do this instead" and I come back the next and it ends up both things are due and she is so confusing! That woman needs to make up her mind.