I had to sing in school today.


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2007
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Wherever you think I am.
Yeah, PACE(An acting company* came in to school today and we done a show for primary three to six.

This is the song:

It's up to you,

just what you do

it's your choice...


Wrong or right,

to walk or fight,

(Which paths will you taaaaaaaaake?)

(It's your choice, it's your life.)

((To be or not to be...))


Sometimes freinds

can go too far,

gets out of hand...


It's not their life,

not up to chance,

you must choose,

(Which paths will you taaaaaaaaake?)

(It's your choice, it's your life.)

((To be or not to be...))


You've just got one life, *Clap Clap*

So choose to live it,

Can't turn back time, *Clap Clap*

So first time round,

Make the choice,

think it through,

cause you,

dont get,

second chances...


Stop, Look, Think it through,

Consider the options,

It's up to you

We can start living, *Clap Clap*

for who we are,

Learn to look to the rest of our li-ives,

And we'll be free for the rest of our LIVES!


You've just got one life, *Clap Clap*

So choose to live it,

Can't turn back time, *Clap Clap*

So first time round,

Make the choice,

think it through,

cause you,

dont get,

second chances...


Stop, Look, Think it through,

Consider the options,

It's up to you

We can start living, *Clap Clap*

for who we are,

Learn to look to the rest of out li-ives,

And we'll be free for the rest of our LIVES!


*Instumental break*


Stop, Look, Think it through,

Consider the options,

It's up to you

We can start living, *Clap Clap*

for who we are,

Learn to look to the rest of out li-ives,

And we'll be free for the rest of our lives.


Free for the rest of our lives.

Yeah... It's called Branded. Have you ever had to do a show/ song in front of the whole school, if you have, tell me here!

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Wow, that's awesome! You must feel great about that. :lol:

I have, actually. In Sixth Grade, I sang 'Since U Been Gone' in front of my big class. I, surprisingly, got an extremely good mark for my courage. Score!

Once you get over the fact that you're singing in front of so many people, you'll see how great the experience will be. :wub:

I've done something simalir, but I WANTED to.

It was during the school announcements. I'm famous within the school to make up totally random rhymes or jingles very suddenly. I can think of a rhyme about, say, the sky, in less than 30 senconds. So the vice principal of the school asked me if I would do a jingle on the loudspeaker about the school's "Hat Day" on Monday. I gladly agreed. This is what I sang over the loudspeaker to probably over 1,000 students. :wub:

Bowler hats,

Baseball caps,

Join in the parade!

Monday is Hat Day....

Hip hip hooray!

Trust me, it's a lot funnier if you know the tune.

When I went back into math class, I was applauded my everyone. xD Everyone kept singing the song at random times for days. It was fun xD

Congratulations, by the way. That was very brave of you.

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Well, I never really wanted to perform in front of my entire class or something. It's just too much pressure for me. The only way I sound good is if I'm singing in my room or in front of my friends.

It reminds me of this song- A little music- we made it up, i think...


A little music makes life better

Young or Old it dosen't matter.


Dosen't need a rhyme or reason,

It just needs someone to listen.


So close your eyes and you'll begin to see,

There no place for lonliness inside this...








And if you feel like crying,

Cry it out.


And if you feel like laughing,

laugh out loud,

get on your feet and come together,

come together.



And so on, I couldn't find a video or anything but its a really good song


Anyways, I'm glad to hear that you sang. I'd act like a clown and get a bad mark... probably detention.

Thats for music day (In may).

I sang with a couple other people in front of a huge crowd for the school play last year. I wasn't scared, I guess I'm just one of those people that doesn't get stage fright.

It was actually really fun. :)

Nice song,sometimes i like to sing in the shower it means alot to me lol.I am very shy and i would never,ever, sing in front of something even as big as two people.

Yes, I have, a number of different times.

The first was when i had to lead the school in the national anthem.

I sang Come Clean by Hilary Duff for Years Kindergarten - Grade 6.

I sang Come Clean again in front of the local high school.

I sand Come Clean again in front of the Kindergarten - 6 and the parents.

And once again for the P & C.

I was also in the school Musical - Oliver!

I never really suffered from stage fright.

Um, no.

I was McCavity the Mystery cat once though.

I had to walk around and look suspicious while people sang that song.

My tail fell off ;_;

I sing to myself in the shower, sometimes if I'm alone and have a song stuck in my head.. Otherwise, No. xD

I do think I sing pretty well.. But I wouldn't do it in front of a lot of people. Just cause I'm gutless like that. :]

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