Actually, Tamagotchis may actually help develop life skills, like those baby simulators they give out in health classes. In essence, isn't that what a Tamagotchi is? A chance to be a parent?
Sorry to double-post, but that was too funny! :kuribotchi:I recently was bitten by the urge to grab my old Tamas out of a drawer they've been sitting in for the past 11 years. Popped some batteries in one and there it was, just as I remembered it. I was happy with the decision until I remembered that I would have to go to work the next day. I'm a 21 year old male. I thought about it for a bit, and decided to just see how it played out. The results were interesting.
Boss and coworker:
Me: Hey guys, look what I dug up out of a drawer and got working again. *shows Tama*
Boss: What is that?
Coworker: that a Gigapet? *rolls eyes*
It is a Tamagotchi not a Gigapet.![]()
Another coworker:
Me: Hey look what I found! *shows Tama*
Coworker: Um...what is it?
Me: It's a Tamagotchi.
Coworker: What does it do?
Me: It's a virtual can feed it, play with it...
Coworker: OH! One of those! Hahahaha!
After work I went to a local music store where a female friend of mine works. There were some younger girls there trying to raise some money for charity. If you donated they would give out things like earrings and bracelets, or paint your nails.
Friend: Hey! *jokingly* Are you going to get your nails done?
Me:, I think I'm already pushing some kind of envelope here with this. *shows Tama* I don't think I can push it any further without going over! (heh, older members should understand what I'm talking about here)
Friend: OMIGAWD is that a Tamagotchi!? Where did you get that!?
Fundraiser Girl: can buy them in Walmart.
Me: Well, actually this one came from 1997...
Friend: Wow! I used to love those!
Fundraiser Girl: So can I paint your nails!?
Me: Hmm...NO.
*my piano teacher walks up (an old man) with his pinky nail painted bright pink*
Teacher: Hey, are you going to get your nails painted?
Fundraiser Girl: See, he got his nails painted...
I gave them some money anyway. And no, I have no problems with anyone getting their nails painted...just as long as they aren't mine.
I honestly expected worse on the reactions. It was very interesting to me. If I get any more reactions I'll post 'em.
'Gotchi, represent yo.
I totally agree. Like just the other day, I wore this great pokemon shirt to school ,and the kid who sits in front of me, with a raised eyebrow, said "Do you really still like pokemon.?" I looked at him and said, "Yeah." he turned back around :Bi hate when people tell my I'm too old to be playing with a tamagotchi. |:My classmate is 15 and he does graffiti and drives. Both things are illegal, because he's underaged for driving, but I don't say anything about him "being too young to drive" =__=;
It's not really the same examples, but I don't think there's really an age limit to things that you enjoy. Sure, I'm 15 and I still love pokemon, what's wrong with that?