I don't know what to do at this point..


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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Belchertown, Massachusetts, USA
A lot of you know that I'm an animal activist. When I was watching Meet your Meat (a PETA vid) my parents made me turn it off. They told me that PETA is violent, because as they say "One time, there was a story in the news that PETA activists threw paint at supermodels wearing fur coats. Some of the buckets hit the supermodels."

But, that's just one event. And it probably happened about 5 or more years ago.

They said they were going to block peta.org, petatv.com, petakids.com and peta2.com (the one of those that I go to the most) So it's like they're telling me to stop being, well, myself. They are still begging me that I stop going vegetarian. Suburban parents try to cover up their childrens' rebelliousness so they fit in like everyone else.

In my opinion animals are about as equal as humans. At least that's how God made everything - equal.

So yah. Can u guys give me some advice, maybe some organization websites that aren't "as violent as PETA" as my mom says

It just SUCKS that my own parents won't support me! :( :huh: :( :( :(

Well, I have no idea what peta is. And honestly, vegetarian, to me is just not a healthy lifestyle. You need meat, that's what provides protien. Eggs and peanuts alone are not enough protien. It's great that you care so much about animals, but you need meat.

PETA is a place against Animal cruelty. Well I have nothing to say for you except that your parents are just trying to help you since you are addicted. Sorry

I agree. Animals are equal to humans.

PETA is horrible. They have killed animals, burn down buildings that used to have something to do with animals, and other bad things. It's okay if you want to be a part of an animal rights group, just not PETA. Why don't you take part in your local ASPCA or animal shelter?

Well, I have no idea what peta is. And honestly, vegetarian, to me is just not a healthy lifestyle. You need meat, that's what provides protien. Eggs and peanuts alone are not enough protien. It's great that you care so much about animals, but you need meat.
You can get protein in ways other than from meat. Peanutbutter is a great source of protein, and some people take protein pills.

Meowbark, I'm not addicted. I just have a lot of respect for animals.

IDK if I'm legally allowed to have a part time job at the MSPCA. I'm only 13.

Personally I'm pretty much..agents vegetarians.

I've been ranted about how you shouldn't eat animals and stuff from them to much.

SORRY If I'm sounding offensive! =O...But some of them

make me so mad. <.< I just wanna eat meat in there face. Lol..

But I'm not talking about you that way or anything! You don't make

me mad. Lol.


But anyway your parent problem. Just talk to them

about it. Say its what you believe. Hopefully they

should listen. =]

Well, you can talk to your parents about it. If they say no, respect their opinion.

Personaly I don't think animals are equals, but shouldn't be abused. I have heard of PETA and I don't think that's the right way to handle animal abuse. I'm not that familiar with PETA, but I know they exagerate things [like saying KFC is all evil for abusing chickens. o.0 No, I don' think the multi-bilion company abuses chickens...]. The SPCA is great because it knows all about animals, animal abuse but doesn't exagerate things, make it way more horrible and then shove it in our face.

I'd say stick with organizations like the SPCA- I'm sure there is one near you and you can actualy be apart of helping those animals. ;]

Now, for the parent thing- taking away PETA or trying to get you to not be a vegetarian isn't taking you away from you. You are under your parents care so they get to make alot of the desicions and you just have to deal with them. Once your out of their house you can do what you like. Just bare with them- they have their reasons. Respect them.

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A lot of you know that I'm an animal activist. When I was watching Meet your Meat (a PETA vid) my parents made me turn it off. They told me that PETA is violent, because as they say "One time, there was a story in the news that PETA activists threw paint at supermodels wearing fur coats. Some of the buckets hit the supermodels."
But, that's just one event. And it probably happened about 5 or more years ago.

They said they were going to block peta.org, petatv.com, petakids.com and peta2.com (the one of those that I go to the most) So it's like they're telling me to stop being, well, myself. They are still begging me that I stop going vegetarian. Suburban parents try to cover up their childrens' rebelliousness so they fit in like everyone else.

In my opinion animals are about as equal as humans. At least that's how God made everything - equal.

So yah. Can u guys give me some advice, maybe some organization websites that aren't "as violent as PETA" as my mom says

It just SUCKS that my own parents won't support me! ^_^ ;) B) :kuribotchi: :kuribotchi:
Oh wow. The PETA sounds kinda crazy. <.<

Yeah using violence is gonna solve all your

problems...One reason why I dislike vegetarians.

I would talk to your parents, mabey if ypou have a nice talk and let them see through your eyes that would help?


I disagree with the fact that your parents aren't supporting you, but... Well, please remember that not everything on the internet is true. PETA isn't... Factual, at most points. Yes, it is kinda violent, which I agree if it is and your parents don't want you watching it, they have a right to block it from your computer while you are under their gaurd.

Simply, I would confront them, ask their opinion and why, and if they still refuse, try to understand their reasons and tough it out, just move on. There are plenty on Non Animal-Abuse and Cruelty sites. And if you can't find any, you're free to make one yourself from FreeWebs or InvisionFree. =)

You can get protein in ways other than from meat. Peanutbutter is a great source of protein, and some people take protein pills.
Meowbark, I'm not addicted. I just have a lot of respect for animals.

IDK if I'm legally allowed to have a part time job at the MSPCA. I'm only 13.
I have a friend who volunteers at the SPCA where I live, and she's twelve. I know when you turn thirteen you're allowed to volunteer at ARF.

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