I cant work this out :(


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2007
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I have Pokemon mystery s/? dungeon and I have just completed the first expiditon s/?

and have beaten Mr.Drowzee (The first dude who tricks Azurill in to getting treasure for him) The Groudoun s/? (The big red guy who trys to stop you from going to see Uxie) Btw Groudoun is in the expidtion half way but hes just and illustion Lol funny word ^^ Back to the point and the other dude I cant rember his name but Its what a Shinxs turnes into then it trasforms into this.. and his team now im up to the par were dusknoir comes and tries to help you find the time gears but when Wigglytuff and chatot tell me to open the wonder map and show me were the desert is and after hes done showing me the map it freezes and you can hear beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep..

What im asking is has this happaned to you???

P.s. If I havent explained well I will do it again.

P.s.s. If this helps my character is a Chimchar and my partner is Treeko.

P.s.s.s. Please dont post posts saying oh whats this game or w/ just post the answer or your guess because I want to find the answer quick..

Thank you


It never happened to me. Well I'm still on my first game profile and I'm Torterra with Infernape.

1.Is your game used?

2.Does your ds have dust in the game slot?

3. Is there a Action Replay(Cheating hacking) device in your DS.


1.It may have had liquids in it.

2.If so clean it.

3.Don't use the freakin' hackin' device.

That is all.

I have Pokemon mystery s/? dungeon and I have just completed the first expiditon s/? and have beaten Mr.Drowzee (The first dude who tricks Azurill in to getting treasure for him) The Groudoun s/? (The big red guy who trys to stop you from going to see Uxie) Btw Groudoun is in the expidtion half way but hes just and illustion Lol funny word ^^ Back to the point and the other dude I cant rember his name but Its what a Shinxs turnes into then it trasforms into this.. and his team now im up to the par were dusknoir comes and tries to help you find the time gears but when Wigglytuff and chatot tell me to open the wonder map and show me were the desert is and after hes done showing me the map it freezes and you can hear beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep..

What im asking is has this happaned to you???

P.s. If I havent explained well I will do it again.

P.s.s. If this helps my character is a Chimchar and my partner is Treeko.

P.s.s.s. Please dont post posts saying oh whats this game or w/ just post the answer or your guess because I want to find the answer quick..

Thank you

There maybe something wrong with the Ds or the game. Try again 5 more times and if it doesn't work call the place where you bought your game from.

No it dosnt have a hacking device

All my other games work all the way

And I blew it

No its not used

And I dont no were I got it I got it ages ago :nazotchi: I just started playing it

sad...i use ar and it helps alot my hero's a mew. so iz mon partenaire

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