I aM tHe WaLrUs


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What!? NO FAIR!!!!

Lucy said, "Oh, I do! I want to keep seeing you. I really like being around you, too." She blushed even more, she could feel her cheeks growing hot. "Anytime you want to see me... you can, you know... drop by. We don't really have a working phone right now."

Eric said, "I really miss the days when things were peaceful. It was all so... simple. Now, everything's complicated, and messy. It's really hard for us wild kids, you know?"

I know! And they'll have another one of some sort this year, though I'm not sure which one yet..

Asher smiled again-- it was funny how she could get that out of him so easily. "As long as I remember how to find it, I will," he told her. "And, I'll show you where my excuse for an apartment is some time, so you can just drop by, too." He paused for a minute, and then said, "..You're blushing." He sounded both amused and confused by it.

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I wish we had enough time and money to do a ton of shows.

Lucy's eyes grew wide. "Oh.. um... I'm sorry!" She stammered, slightly flustered. She was taking everything the wrong way. She had assumed, wrongly, that he had an interest in her, as more than a friend. She should have assumed that he was just trying be be nice. She was definitely awkward, in a cute way.

Eric sighed. But then he said, "At least we have the great music. I mean, our generation has The Beatles. And I feel like our generation is definitely more creative than our parents."

"Everyone is more creative than parents." She joked, "I think the music is the only reason people pull through the everyday challenges. I mean, have you noticed how music has brought people together recently? I just hope it stays like this, it's actually kinda nice, though it's hard. It's nice to be able to turn on the record player and listen to your favorite band while your troubles just seem to melt away."

Yeah, me too ):

Though, I think one is all I have enough time for right now xD

Asher chuckled. "Oh, no, I'm sorry that it sounded like a bad thing.. I almost wish I hadn't said it.." He paused and smiled nervously. "Truth is, I thought it was kinda cute. And.. It just sort of.. Made me wonder about something, I guess."

If I didn't have homework, I would always be in shows. xD

Eric laughed. "You know, everything you just said is so true! I wish everybody thought like that." He looked up at the sky, the sunset turning the buildings red. He grinned. "Well, at least the sun came out to say goodbye."

Lucy raised an eyebrow slightly. "Oh? And... w-what is that?" She asked shyly. She was getting hopeful again. She wished she wouldn't, but she couldn't help it. He was so nice, and smart-- unlike nearly all of Eric's friends.


I would still find time to play my music and be in musicals all the time, if only it wasn't for homework.

Asher leaned a little bit closer to her. He was surprised at himself, because he knew what he was about to say, and also that he just wanted to it to tell her. "..Whether.. Whether your blishing meant that you'd tapped on to how much I actually like you.." he told her. He didn't want to say it all at once-- that was his way--, he wanted to see if she knew what he meant.

Our rival school -- in terms of choir-- is doing a production of "Amadeus"

I'm angered by all of these school doing great shows, and having no idea of what musical my school is doing. Dx


Eric smiled. "Hey, would you maybe like to come to my apartment and have dinner? I really like talking to you, and I'm sure my sister would like you too." He was very casual, relaxed about it. That was his way. He just let things flow... for the most part. He started walking, anyway, so she basically had no choice but to follow him, or stand there. (hahahahaha) It's not too far, I promise!" He yelled, breaking into a jog.

Lucy leaned closer as well, and was surprised at what he said. "I... really like you, too. I thought... that maybe I was just imagining a... a connection.. like that..." She said quietly, nervously.

I love this whole 'rival schools' thing you guys have. It's so amusing to us all xDDD

Imma gonna go have a shower. Back in.. Whenever xD

"I was sort of thinking the same thing. I was afraid the blushing might be a bad thing, honestly.." Asher said, smiling a bit wider now. "But, I do like you, a lot. Really, a lot. Just.. Don't feel like you have to say something to me back.. I mean, your boyfriend.. Well, I know it'd be hard to get over that.."

Okie dokie!

Eric kept jogging. "Well, I love having people over ta my house. And, well... my sister doesn't usually get company. So it'll be great, to have a new guest!" He grinned at her, leading her along quickly.

Lucy quietly said, "I have to be able to carry on with my life. I... I have to move forward sometime. And... I feel like I'm ready. I really really like you, Asher. And I really want to keep seeing you." She smiled slightly. "And the blushing was a good thing."

Asher even went a little bit red in the face himself for a moment. "Well.. I don't really know what to say. But I'm really glad that you feel like you can move on," he told her. "It was the reason-- other than my general shyness-- for not letting on too much that I wanted us to be.. More than friends."

Well guys, I gotta go! Talk to you later! (or tomorrow or whatever xD )

Lucy bit her lip shyly, smiling slightly. She was ecstatic, because she didn't think that he would like someone like her. "I'm... I'm really glad, though, that we both know.. how we feel."

Eric kept jogging, slowing down to jog beside her. "You're really great! You'll have to meet my other friends sometime. I think you'd like them, too!"

DDD: Bye, love! -huggles-

She smiled and nodded, "Thanks. It would be nice to have some more friends."

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Byeeee! ILY <3 :)

Asher was smiling his usual small smile, leaning in a bit further. "Yeah.. Me too," he replied softly. He reached out and took one of her hands. "So.. If you like, we can be more than friends. Would you.. like to be my girlfriend?" he asked somewhat tentatively.

Mariunlockedthe door to her apartmentand she walked into the kitchen and loked in a cupboard.She took out a bag of fruit snacks.Seeming s if she forgot Jesse,but she hadn't.

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