I aM tHe WaLrUs


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Pretty darn good, even if I say so myself xD

Asher noticed that she was trying hard to make sure she could reach him easily. He picked her up and stood her on his feet, so that she could reach him better, and also leaned back against the wall behind him ever so slightly. Despite her only very gentle kissing, he still reacted with his quiet groans and shivers.


I don't do much cooking, I usually am too lazy

Lucy didn't feel nearly as tense, because she could now easily reach his neck without having to strain her muscles trying to reach him. She bit into the spot softly, brushing her tongue against it as she did. She then started sucking on the spot, rubbing the back of his neck with her finger.

I'm usually too busy, so when I ger the chance, I always love to cook.

Asher exhaled quickly and deeply, rather than groaning now, though the quiet was short lived, because she clearly also knew how much he liked it when she stroked the back of his neck. It crossed his mind that this was highly distracting them from moving stuff in, but that was one thing that could definitely wait for this.

I just don't like taking a long time to get food xD

Oh, if I leave suddenly, it's because I'm auditioning for a musical.

Lucy pulled her lips from his neck, and started pulling her shirt off, very slowly, trying to get his undivided attention, liking when he focused on her, and only her. She beamed up at him, tossing her shirt aside carelessly, then stepping forward to press herself against him.

Okay :) Good luck!

Asher was surprised by her action, though undoubtedly he enjoyed it. It was difficult not to stare at her too much. The last time she'd had her shirt off, there were a lot of other things to distract him. This time, though, there was nothing, and she was right there for him to see. He pulled her closer again, and leaned back further against the wall. His plan was to get the right angle that he could slide with his back down it, and pull her with him. He did so, and once on the floor, she was in his lap, and more of a distraction than ever.

I don't know how I did. I only hope I got the part I wanted. *sigh*

Lucy smiled and kissed him gently, then allowed it to gain intensity, enjoying every second she had with him. She knew he was staring, but she didn't even care. And if he had voiced his concern with it, she actually probably would have encouraged him. She didn't seem to mind very much, in all actuality.

I'm sure you did great :)

What musical is it?

Asher was glad for the kiss, because it allowed him to close his eyes. Yes, he'd caught himself, and he was sure that she had, too. But, in fairness, that made it pretty even now, not that either of them minded much at all-- after all, it was a good thing that they should find each other so attractive. She had certainly succeeded in gaining every ounce of his attention.

The Sound of Music

I auditioned to be Liesl.

Lucy moved back a bit, undoing her pants slowly, and then her underwear very slowly, smiling at him almost as if to tease him. He was her man, and she expected-- and somewhat demanded-- that he focus on her, not on anything else.

Ah, cool =D

Well, I'm rooting for ya, as always!

Asher raised his eyebrows; she really was surprising him at this very moment. The experience of before had been exhilarating, passionate.. This was both of those, but he was seeing a new side to her. He'd never seen her teasing and seductive as she was right now. Unsurprisingly, he liked this particular side as much as any other, and the longer she was around him the more she was all consuming of him, demanding of-- and recieving-- his full attention. He smirked slightly and started to undo his jeans, sliding his legs out of them and then pulling her back into his lap.


Lucy grinned at him, moving to wrap her arms around him, then kissing his forehead, wanting to see what would make him crack. "Asher, you like what you see," she asked quietly scooting back just a bit, still remaining on his lap. She allowed her hair to fall loose around her, releasing that scent of rose perfume that she wore on special occasions.

You're welcome :)

And, by the way, shocking news! I might actually sing at the Summer Concert as well as play guitar O:

Asher leaned after her, looking almost like a desparate man, wanting to be close to her. "Yes," he whispered in reply, "I do. Very much so." The smell of her perfume was stronger than it ever had been to him, as far as he could remember, inticing him, as if she needed it to do that.

Seriously!? That's AWESOME! Have you been thinking about what piece(s) you'd like to perform?

Lucy grinned at him, scooting close to him again, tossing his underwear, which she sneakily stole, aside. "I love you," she whispered in his ear, letting her lips brush against it. She leaned down and moved her lips to his neck, biting his sensitive spot passionately, stroking the back of his neck with one finger.

Well, I don't know if you remember, but I auditioned to play a guitar only version of Stairway To Heaven at the Spring Concert. Mr. Carey loved it (after all that criticism he gave about me, too) but he said it needed some kind of vocal line.

So he suggested a singer or a saxophone to accompany but I thought that a sax would sound totally wrong and if I had someone else doing the vocal line, they would get all the credit for my arrangement and also noone would notice me, and it was supposed to be my performance originally.

So, there are two best options. One is to incorporate the vocal line into the guitar and the second is to sing.

"I love you, too," Asher whispered, glad to be near to her again, able to touch her with his hands, feel her lips on his neck. He moaned loudly as she bit into his sensitive spot. She was his weakness and she knew it all too well, but there was no better weakness as far as he was concerned, and he didn't want there to be a cure for it, he wanted to let it spread and rage like wildfire.

I remember that!

Yes, you should definitely sing!

Lucy pushed his back up against the wall, not breaking contact with his neck as she sucked forcefully on the spot. She was surprising herself, with how easily she could be to taunting and passionate with him. She had never thought she could be like that with anyone before, but now she was completely head over heels for Asher, and she loved being like this with him.

We'll see. I'm still deciding. I mean, if I get too nervous then my guitar playing and my singing will go wrong :/

Asher was biding his time. Eventually, he would have his turn at making her react, but he was quite fine with this at the moment; despite the fact that he still was a little shy about making this much noise, he did like the way it felt when she so much as even kissed that spot. He buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply her scent, the smell of her perfume strong but not in any way overpowering. His hands wandered in directions of which he felt he had no control.

I think you should just go for it!

Lucy pressed against him, shivering at the feeling of his hands wandering all over her. She enjoyed being able to make him react, especially because they had been so hesitant with each other when they first got together. This was a very pleasant change, from Lucy's point of view, and she wouldn't have their relationship any other way. She eventually pulled her lips back from his neck, murmuring, "You look so good right now, baby."

I'm practicing loads so I can get better and be more confident :)

The biggest problem I'm having is key. It sounds much more melodic and tuneful when I transpose it up a tone, but towards the end that means that I have to sing a high F#, and honestly I can just about sing an E loudly at this point, which is what it would be without transposing it.

Still, before Seussical I couldn't hit a D, so my range has extended by two tones. I think that's amazing, actually.

Asher whispered, "You look better, love," pressing his lips to her forehead, her cheek, her jawline, giving her butterfly kisses wherever he felt like going. He was surprising himself right now even more than she had surprised him, if he was being honest; clearly, though she wasn't exactly the most extroverted person he knew, Lucy wasn't anywhere near as shy and removed as he was. But now he was so close to someone that they were initially one in the same sometimes, and he wasn't afraid to be intimate with her.

I can hit the D flat or D two octaves above middle C at this point, but I'm not exactly sure how high my belting range goes. I can hit the high note in defying gravity, so that's an F, I think.

I'm a diva soprano xD

Lucy giggled quietly, then shivered when his lips happened to brush on a particular spot on her neck. It threw her off slightly, causing her cheeks to redden, mostly because of how she reacted. Like him, she wasn't quite used to being so open with her reactions, but she did enjoy it when he kissed that spot on her neck.

Way to go, my alto ways feel very inferior now.. xDD

I just checked that note with my piano, and it's insane.

What also upsets me is that Adam Lambert sings an F in his song Music Again and I can't! xD

Asher stopped his trail of kisses a little way from the spot she reacted to the most, smirking against her skin and returning to it. His lips barely touched the spot, almost teasingly so and he murmured, "You shivered, you must be awfully cold, so get closer." He pulled her against him as tightly as he dared, and then traced his tongue across the spot to see how she reacted.

But he's Adam Lambert.

But being an alto can be cool, as well!

Lucy inhaled sharply, tilting her head back slightly, as if trying to force herself to stifle the sounds that she knew were coming. She felt her grip on him tighten, and she exhaled and inhaled sharply and quickly, letting her guard down slightly. It felt amazing to her when he even barely touched that spot, so having his tongue against it was indescribable.

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