FOREWARNING: This is going to be a very deep blend of being serious-- and the delusional/funny. Although it's nearly stereotypical, the crazy drug trips are one of the legacies of the counter culture.
ALSO: The phrase "I am the Walrus" is the sole property of The Beatles. I do not own it in any way, shape, or form.
"I am he, as you are he, as you are me
And we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I'm crying.
Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob."
Location: New York City
Years: The tremulous years of the counter culture in America.
---This isn't what you had expected, is it?
New york City, the big Apple. Whether you're a newcomer, or you have lived there your entire life, nothing is right. Is it a lack of money, or companionship, or failed dreams? Maybe it's all of that smooshed together. But whatever it is, it makes life harder.
You want to be a part of something worthwhile. You want to be different. You want to be heard, to have fun, to live outside the box.
-----Meet the Counter Culture~
This is the response to being conservative. Radical new ideas, crazy propaganda, racy topics- it makes us thrive. Welcome to the world your parents/guardians never wanted you to enter.
From musicians to artists to average Joes, they're all blended in.
This is your story. The story of being different, finding your dreams, learning about life-- all while facing opposition from every side. And the demons that torment you.
The Form (Yes, it is a necessary evil)
Appearance: (Try not to use anime. If you can't find a picture you like, a description will suffice.)
Personality: (3-4 sentences at least, if you please)
**If you have any other information you would like to provide, or that I might have left out, please, go ahead and add it! If I left something out, let me know! =)
THE RULES! (Another necessary evil)
1. Tamatalk rules apply.
2. Mary Sues/ Gary Stus= NO
3. 3 sentences at least for your post. If you have writer's block, let us know.
4. You need to use proper grammar and spelling. If we can't read what you post, how is the RP actually going to work?
5. No vampires/ magical creatures. Superpowers and stuff are a big no-no.
6. HOWEVER, mysticism plays into the counter culture. Stuff such as references to nature and spiritualism are okay.
7. Multiple characters are okay! Just keep it reasonable.
8. Have fun!
**I will post my form in a bit.