I aM tHe WaLrUs


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Asher surprised himself by looking back up at her. He almost laughed at what the girl was doing; it was almost like watching a small child. He often wished he wasn't so shy, he felt as if he wanted to talk to her-- a desire he'd felt many times, but had never achieved. He didn't know anyone else who enjoyed rain.

Lucy felt that strange feeling you get when you're being watched. She looked back over at Asher, and caught him watching her. She blushed, then quickly looked away, chewing her lip slightly. Occasionally, she glanced at him, not so much nervous. Just curious. Eventually, she offered him a slight smile.

Asher smiled ever so slightly back. He actually had to think about whether he was or not.. It had happened without even noticing. He waved awkwardly at her; a few tiny shakes of his open hand.

Well, I'm off. Talk to ya later =D

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See ya!

Lucy offered a tiny wave in return, her smile growing just a bit more. She then shook her head quickly, sending water everywhere. After that, she pulled her hair up in a ponytail, then shrugged and smiled once more. She was glad he smiled, and didn't yell at her for looking at him the wrong way or anything. Many people had the tendency to do that around here, she had learned.

They put the cast list up today :)

All the lead roles were given to final year students, so I'm pretty happy with what I got.

I was given not one, but two roles, not entirely sure what they involve-- I'm sure you know better than I do--, but I'm a Who, and a Hunter. And although they're both under the choral section, I checked to see what all the other people my age got, and my roles are much, much better-- even better than some in the year above. So I'm happy =D

Asher put his hands in his pockets; it was a habit of his that he'd never tried to get rid of, since it never seemed to bother anyone. He wanted to say something to her, but he knew it'd be awkward for him if he tried. He hadn't spoken to anyone yet besides his parents, and that was on the phone. And yet, he found himself standing up and walking over. He stopped near to her, though not as close as most people seemed to stand when they talked to someone else. "Hi.. Um.. I really felt like I should talk to you.. But talking is.. Not really one of my strong points," he chuckled nervously.

ooc: I'm guessing your doing suessical? Its a great musical xD

"Morgan." the petite red head said quietly. The bus finally pulled up. Morgan stood slowly, one last look at that horrendous poster. She boarded the bus, heading straight for seat 12. She sat down next to the window, watching the rainy day.

Yup, you guessed right!

Seussical has been one of the best shows I've ever acted in. Plus, having an extremely long tail is a perk.

The Whos (Whoville Chorus) are amazing as well! I like them better than the jungle animals. (Jungle of Nool Chorus)

Our hunters were the Wickersham brothers dressed in safari attire. xD

They would always pretend to try and shoot me at rehearsals.

Eric sat in the section of seats behind hers, wanting his own window seat. He glowered at the poster, then watched as it disappeared from view. He sighed with relief when it was gone, then pulled his guitar case onto his lap. He was very protective of it, probably because it was one of the few ways he could earn money. Plus, he'd owned it for years.

Lucy stared up at him, surprised. "Oh... um... well... thank you...." She moved over, then gave an awkward pat on the space next to her. She felt uncomfortable when she couldn't be more on the same level when other people spoke to her. It made her feel way too small-- and maybe a bit inferior. "Take a seat, if you'd like..." She said quietly, hoping she didn't sound like a total moron.

I actually don't think I know the girl who's playing Gertrude, so I don't know if she's any good.

Oh yeah, I saw those. Mr. Carey said that the Whos are the best chorus part, so I'm pretty happy. And two roles, that's good for someone my age.

Asher sat himself down in the space she's made for him. He was quite glad for that, actually. He hated looking and talking down on people probably as much as she didn't like people doing it to her. "..Thanks," he said. "So.. You're enjoying the rain..?" he asked with a chuckle.

FOREWARNING: This is going to be a very deep blend of being serious-- and the delusional/funny. Although it's nearly stereotypical, the crazy drug trips are one of the legacies of the counter culture.
ALSO: The phrase "I am the Walrus" is the sole property of The Beatles. I do not own it in any way, shape, or form.

"I am he, as you are he, as you are me

And we are all together

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.

I'm crying.

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.

Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.

Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob."

Location: New York City

Years: The tremulous years of the counter culture in America.

---This isn't what you had expected, is it?

New york City, the big Apple. Whether you're a newcomer, or you have lived there your entire life, nothing is right. Is it a lack of money, or companionship, or failed dreams? Maybe it's all of that smooshed together. But whatever it is, it makes life harder.

You want to be a part of something worthwhile. You want to be different. You want to be heard, to have fun, to live outside the box.

-----Meet the Counter Culture~

This is the response to being conservative. Radical new ideas, crazy propaganda, racy topics- it makes us thrive. Welcome to the world your parents/guardians never wanted you to enter.

From musicians to artists to average Joes, they're all blended in.

This is your story. The story of being different, finding your dreams, learning about life-- all while facing opposition from every side. And the demons that torment you.

The Form (Yes, it is a necessary evil)




Appearance: (Try not to use anime. If you can't find a picture you like, a description will suffice.)

Personality: (3-4 sentences at least, if you please)


**If you have any other information you would like to provide, or that I might have left out, please, go ahead and add it! If I left something out, let me know! =)

THE RULES! (Another necessary evil)

1. Tamatalk rules apply.

2. Mary Sues/ Gary Stus= NO

3. 3 sentences at least for your post. If you have writer's block, let us know.

4. You need to use proper grammar and spelling. If we can't read what you post, how is the RP actually going to work?

5. No vampires/ magical creatures. Superpowers and stuff are a big no-no.

6. HOWEVER, mysticism plays into the counter culture. Stuff such as references to nature and spiritualism are okay.

7. Multiple characters are okay! Just keep it reasonable.

8. Have fun!

**I will post my form in a bit.



apearance:She has a emo blue hair style,she is mixed,most of the ytime youll catch her in camis,its not important wha color,ill tell if i feel like it and you can ask if you really care.she wears bell bottems.black pumas.SHOES!

personality:Is loud and very easy to get along with,but very eaily annoyed,if you bother her,she WILL say somthing.She keeps to herslef if she must,but other wise she is very social.And she has a dark side,so if she seems too cranky,feel free to ask is yo bother her or she is just in a bad mood.

other:Is musical!

Mari was a few seats ahead. but she stood up and walked over."Hello"she said hervoice solem,yet pleasent."Im Mari".


I remembered something vital. Counterculture movements really started in the 60s and 70s. Think the psychedelics, crazy hippie people, bands doing crazy drugs. Those times. =)

The whos have an awesome song. And, if you get the kind of dance just right, they can be the most awkward and adorable characters around.

Lucy laughed quietly at that. It felt like it had been forever since she had actually laughed. "Yes, very much so. I'm Lucy. I assume you like the rain, too. And you are...?" She tilted her head, and waited for him to respond. She was glad he was actually staying to talk to her, and hadn't asked for anything gross or perverted.

(I assume Mari is on the bus, since it said rows of seats...)

Eric turned and looked at Mari. "I'm Eric," he said quietly, scooting over to make room for her. "And that's... Morgan." He sat his guitar on his lap.

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FOREWARNING: This is going to be a very deep blend of being serious-- and the delusional/funny. Although it's nearly stereotypical, the crazy drug trips are one of the legacies of the counter culture.
ALSO: The phrase "I am the Walrus" is the sole property of The Beatles. I do not own it in any way, shape, or form.

"I am he, as you are he, as you are me

And we are all together

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.

I'm crying.

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.

Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.

Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob."

Location: New York City

Years: The tremulous years of the counter culture in America.

---This isn't what you had expected, is it?

New york City, the big Apple. Whether you're a newcomer, or you have lived there your entire life, nothing is right. Is it a lack of money, or companionship, or failed dreams? Maybe it's all of that smooshed together. But whatever it is, it makes life harder.

You want to be a part of something worthwhile. You want to be different. You want to be heard, to have fun, to live outside the box.

-----Meet the Counter Culture~

This is the response to being conservative. Radical new ideas, crazy propaganda, racy topics- it makes us thrive. Welcome to the world your parents/guardians never wanted you to enter.

From musicians to artists to average Joes, they're all blended in.

This is your story. The story of being different, finding your dreams, learning about life-- all while facing opposition from every side. And the demons that torment you.

The Form (Yes, it is a necessary evil)




Appearance: (Try not to use anime. If you can't find a picture you like, a description will suffice.)

Personality: (3-4 sentences at least, if you please)


**If you have any other information you would like to provide, or that I might have left out, please, go ahead and add it! If I left something out, let me know! =)

THE RULES! (Another necessary evil)

1. Tamatalk rules apply.

2. Mary Sues/ Gary Stus= NO

3. 3 sentences at least for your post. If you have writer's block, let us know.

4. You need to use proper grammar and spelling. If we can't read what you post, how is the RP actually going to work?

5. No vampires/ magical creatures. Superpowers and stuff are a big no-no.

6. HOWEVER, mysticism plays into the counter culture. Stuff such as references to nature and spiritualism are okay.

7. Multiple characters are okay! Just keep it reasonable.

8. Have fun!

**I will post my form in a bit.
The first post (the topic starter one) made me think "This would be a GREAT movie!" xD

I <3 I Am The Walrus and the Beatles

Name: Alysson Griffon

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Later

Personality: She is one of those, split personality girls. She could be considered bipolar, but isn't. She is usually cold and hostile, but if you warm up to her she can be "nice", which in other words means that she won't blow your head off for being an a**. She is insane, and I mean insane. She WILL find you, she WILL torture you, and she WILL kill you if you p*** her off.

Other: Born and raised in France, therefore her English isn't perfect and she has a heavy accent, sometimes making it hard for other people to understand what she is saying. :]

Name: Jesse Sanders

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: I'll think of one later, okay?

Personality: Jesse is one of those guys who can be a complete smart mouth when he wants to be. He loves all things witty and sarcastic, and may seem a bit rude at first. And while he is always sarcastic towards his friends, he doesn't USUALLY mean a lot of what he says. But if you do something stupid, he will let you know. And he will laugh.

Other: Jesse dropped out of college after only a couple of months of attending classes. He didn't like his knowledge to be so black and white.

Jesse was outside of the Museum of Natural History, reading a pamphlet from the museum. He rolled his eyes and threw it away. Sometimes, the things that the government fed people was enough to make him puke. Seriously, how did they know they were right? And why was nobody-- except for him, of course-- questioning it?

Alysson was exiting Central Park and heading towards one of the food carts in front of the Natural History Museum. She casually crossed Central Park West, the road separating the museum from the park.

I've actually been to that museum. Lots of dinos. xD

"..Asher," Asher replied. He was quiet again-- oh, how unusual of him to do so. "I just moved in a couple days ago so.. I guess I haven't been able to get out much. I'm just a little.. Shocked about some of the things around.. The posters, flyers, you know.." He stared at a flyer that had been dropped on the floor, looking almost disgusted by the messages it sent out. If the people back home could see this..

The bus stopped in front of Natural History, and Morgan stood. She got off the bus quietly, back into the drizzle of rain. Her red hair dampened, and she walked quickly into the museum. She looked around, and found another bench to sit on. She sat and observed people, taking out her lyric/sketch book and writing/drawing the people around her. She focused on Jesse, sketching what she saw.

Hey Yogurt, try to type three sentences at least, please. =)

Jesse crumpled up another pamphlet he had, and tossed it in the garbage can. Crossing his arms, he still managed to hold his black umbrella in his right hand, keeping the wet away. He merely stood there, not feeling like moving, or getting out of people's way. That was his form of protest.

Mari was drwing while she was walking and wasn't paying attention when bumped inot Jesse.She loked puzzled s her huge eyes eyed hiim.

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