i almost died last night....


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ive almost died about 7 times.

almost hit by a car three times

almost choked twice

almost drowned twice

Oh my! a simalr thing happnd to my little Bro Griffen

He and his twin sister were imatateing that cermercial(SP) were that boy throws a water balloon @ the kids and their mouths are open. So My sister throws the water filled baloon @ griffen, and the baloon pops on the edge of his tooth. and 2 parts of the rubber and the water goes down his throate...but hes alive and well today!

Omg! wow. One time I thought I was dying ( it was probably reaaaallly bad dehydration or heat stroke though) Everything went flashing red and blue, everyones voices became quiet and the fan noise became so loud in=t was overwhelming! Then I got dizzy with nuasia (when you feel sick) and I became numb it was really wierd but horrible! Then when I drank apple juice I was out of it and I was so sweaty that my clothes were sticking to my body....wierd

That must have been horrible and Scary!!!

well you dont have to believe me if you dont want to but i almost died last night. it all started when my mom told me to bring some clothes up stairs to her, but i had a cup of water in my hand. Silly me i held trhe cup in my mouth! next thing i know my head leans back and all the water rushed down my throat all at once :furawatchi: i was panicing and gasping for air. i kept stomping my feet so someone could help me, then i saw a bright light type of thing...a second later i was normal swallowing the water. my sister and my mom rushed over to me and helped me up. That was a very scary expierence i will never forget.
im glad you did not die.

Omg! wow. One time I thought I was dying ( it was probably reaaaallly bad dehydration or heat stroke though) Everything went flashing red and blue, everyones voices became quiet and the fan noise became so loud in=t was overwhelming! Then I got dizzy with nuasia (when you feel sick) and I became numb it was really wierd but horrible! Then when I drank apple juice I was out of it and I was so sweaty that my clothes were sticking to my body....wierd
That must have been horrible and Scary!!!

I'm glad you did not die Mamaetchi! If you did die I will care for you! Only if you weren't a murderer!

eeeeeeek! scary! I almost died a few years back, I was living in colorado, and I was on a gifted and talented science program field trip. we went to a place that had a rushin river and water falls that had carved out a large canyon. The bus driver was trying to park and she hit a bolder in the parking lot and shouted out a swear word. then violently backed-up and when she did, she backed up too far. the bcak wheels of the bus were almost completely off the ground into the canyon! the rest of the back of the bus was completely hanging over the edge! we all freicked out man! if there were any more kids in the back, we would have fallen right down into the rocks and rushing waters!!! It was really scary!!!!! I think I was in 4th or 5th grade when that happened. im in 7th now. Thats my story. :furawatchi:

Oh my! a simalr thing happnd to my little Bro Griffen
He and his twin sister were imatateing that cermercial(SP) were that boy throws a water balloon @ the kids and their mouths are open. So My sister throws the water filled baloon @ griffen, and the baloon pops on the edge of his tooth. and 2 parts of the rubber and the water goes down his throate...but hes alive and well today!
I think all reckless commercials like that should never be aired!!! my mom is always freaking out because like some old lady is hitting a car in an ad and she thinks my 5 yr old brother will copy that. it dangerouse to have commercials like that because anyone at any age could repeat it and get hurt! im glad he's ok though...

I think all reckless commercials like that should never be aired!!! my mom is always freaking out because like some old lady is hitting a car in an ad and she thinks my 5 yr old brother will copy that. it dangerouse to have commercials like that because anyone at any age could repeat it and get hurt! im glad he's ok though...
yeah, Im glad their not imatateing that cermercial were the guy takes a bucher knife to open the tums forthe guy coughing...O_O

Oh dear! Thank God you're alive.I'm sad about hearing that :lol: ,VERY sad.

Always,don't forget to thank God for saving you!

To Summer_F: That's why I have a phobia of balloons now!

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Once, I almost died when a man in a car backed up almost right over me. And w-o-w. I cannot belive you are still alive. Oh, and about that light...

That light was probably the light at the end of the tunnel. You were truley dying. Sorry if I scared you just now.

*Edited: Light at tunnel part*

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