I have some anger issues to. It could mostly be the hormones. (Or...HORRORmones.)
Usually art helps me a lot. One time last year this idiot got me real mad and upset, and HE MEANT IT TOO, and when I went to art class (THANK GOD HE ISN'T IN MY ART CLASS), we were doing plaster bugs, so I was slappin' plaster on mutterin' to myself how bleepy he is, and when that period was done, I felt a lot better.
Also, once when I was mad at a teacher for failin' me on a bleepin' quiz (she didn't explain it with details), I took a big poster board, some acrylic paints, and painted a giant cartoon ferret, and anger was taken off.
Also, I like taking anger out on pillows.
Sometimes, I also might complain to my long stuffed ferret, and squeeze, stretch, and whack the anger out on him. (And I try not to rip him.) Slappin' him hard against a pillow by his tail can really help.
Good luck...