How to make the Matchmaker come?


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Mar 13, 2007
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So I woke up today.

And Looked at my tama.


It looked like a granny.

I dont want it to die without making a baby.

How do you make the "matchmaker" appear??

Please and thankyou! :wub: ;)

The sad thing is that the matchmaker does not come for olides, however if you get another oldie to mate with you can get a baby and special surprise :furawatchi: ....

Ok.So I woke up today.

And Looked at my tama.


It looked like a granny.

I dont want it to die without making a baby.

How do you make the "matchmaker" appear??

Please and thankyou! :furawatchi: <_<
Oh dear. After your tamagotchi has

turned into an old-timer, the only way to

make it have children is to grow a male

tamagotchi until he to is old. After they mate

the children will turn into the secret charactar

Ojitchi. The matchmaker does not come to oldies.

~*CoConut Cream*~

How do I get the secret character???How do i get a male oldie before my female dies???
1. Mate with oldies

2. Just keep on taking good care of your tamagotchi and she will live for a long time.

Your welcome Coconut Cream :furawatchi: .

Ok.So I woke up today.

And Looked at my tama.


It looked like a granny.

I dont want it to die without making a baby.

How do you make the "matchmaker" appear??

Please and thankyou! :furawatchi: <_<
Hello IgniteJessWithFire.

This is how you get Oyajitchi,

If you and your frend has Otokitchi and Ojitchi and you and your frend

keep connecting Otokitchi will have two babys.

The babys parents will go back to tamatown and you will have to look after the babys.

Your tama will then turn into a kid

but then your tama will skip teen and turn into Oyajitchi.

Regards. LA

The matchmaker usually come when your tama is 5 years old or so

Matchmaker doen't come to old tamas

Yes, the Matchmaker doesn't visit for oldies..

Just keep on connecting with a fellow oldie, until marriage can occur. Take good care of your tamagotchi in order for your tamagotchi to live long :kuribotchi:

Good Luck ^_^

If you can find another oldie you can mate the two oldies via connection. Or use the love potion to make it easier.

The female will have 2 babies and one will fly off to live with the male.

The second night of being with the baby the parents will leave.

The babies will skip toddler and teen and turn right into the secret character Oyajitchi right from the baby stage.

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