Stuck on what your team should be on pokemon Diamond or Pearl? Well, I am posting a formula to making a well balanced team on D/P! Here's how!
1. 1 Fire type
Recommended pokemon: Chimchar and evolves (Monferno,Infernape)(If Chimchar chosen as starter), Ponyta and evolve (Rapidash), Torkoal (post national dex), Flareon (Post national dex)
Why?: If you had just a water and grass type, you'd end up having a hard time beating grass and ice types, especially snover and abomnasnow, since they're both grass and ice. Fire types should balance out your weakness to ice and grass types, since fire is super effective against both. This is helpful for beating the seventh gym leader Candice and the first of the Elite four, Aaron, who uses bug types, which are weak to fire.
2. 1 Water type
Recommended pokemon: Piplup and evolves (Prinplup, Empoleon) (If Piplup chosen as starter), Gyrados, Octillery, Mantyke and evolve (Mantine), Vaporeon (Post national dex),Milotic.
Why?: If you only had a grass and fire type, You'd fall quite suspectible to ground types and fire types should be harder. Numel(post national dex) should be quite a challenge because it is both fire and ground type. Since water types have an advange over ground and fire types, you can cover the weakness and you won't have such a hard time with ground and fire types. This is helpful for beating Bertha, who uses ground types and Flint, who uses fire types of the Elite four.
3. 1 Grass type
Recommended pokemon: Turtwig and evolves (Grotle and Torterra) (If Turtwig chosen as starter), Budew and evolves (Roselia, Roserade), Oddish and evolves (Gloom, Bellosm, Vileplume) (Post national dex), Leafeon (post national dex)
Why?: If your team had just a fire and water type and lacked a grass type, you'd be weak to water types. If you had a grass type, you'd be less suspectible to water types and their moves and your grass moves would be super effective. This is helpful for betaing Wake, the fourth gym gym leader who uses water types.
4. 1 Legendary (If possible)
You should attempt to have one legendary on your team if possible because legendaries have above average stats. A common mistake made: Don't have your team all legendaries! Why? Because most legendaries are Psychic types, you'd be very suspectible to dark types.
5. 1 Psychic type
Recommended pokemon: Kedabra, Alakazam, Mime jr and evolve (Mr. Mime), Bronzor and evolve (Bronzong), Natu and evolve (Xatu) (Post National Dex),
Drowsee and evolve (Hypno) (Post national dex)
Why?: Psychic types usually have a very good Sp atk. They also have a resistance and an advange over fight types, which a lot of types are weak to. Psychic types are helpful for beating Maylene , the third gym leader who uses fight types.
6. 1 Ghost type OR Dark type
Recommended pokemon: Gastly and evolves (Haunter, Gengar), Spiritomb, Rotom(Post national dex), Misdreavus and evolve(Mismagius), Sneasel and evolve (Weaville), Murkrow and evolve (Honchkrow)
Why?: To cover Psychic's weakness agiast Dark types. Since dark type and ghost type moves are super effective against Psychic types, and psychic type moves don't work at all on dark types, the Ghost/Dark type is here to cover. Most ghost types can learn dark type moves by TM and even naturaly and vice versa . Ghhost types are weak to Dark types and thier own type, so If you have a ghost type or dark type on your team, youu can use this to your advantage. However, this means tou will also be weak to dark and ghost type moves as well. You will also be resistant to posion type moves. Ghost and Dark types come in handy when beating Lucian of the Elite four, who uses Psychic types.
I hope this guide really helped you make a good team in which weaknesses are covered!
1. 1 Fire type
Recommended pokemon: Chimchar and evolves (Monferno,Infernape)(If Chimchar chosen as starter), Ponyta and evolve (Rapidash), Torkoal (post national dex), Flareon (Post national dex)
Why?: If you had just a water and grass type, you'd end up having a hard time beating grass and ice types, especially snover and abomnasnow, since they're both grass and ice. Fire types should balance out your weakness to ice and grass types, since fire is super effective against both. This is helpful for beating the seventh gym leader Candice and the first of the Elite four, Aaron, who uses bug types, which are weak to fire.
2. 1 Water type
Recommended pokemon: Piplup and evolves (Prinplup, Empoleon) (If Piplup chosen as starter), Gyrados, Octillery, Mantyke and evolve (Mantine), Vaporeon (Post national dex),Milotic.
Why?: If you only had a grass and fire type, You'd fall quite suspectible to ground types and fire types should be harder. Numel(post national dex) should be quite a challenge because it is both fire and ground type. Since water types have an advange over ground and fire types, you can cover the weakness and you won't have such a hard time with ground and fire types. This is helpful for beating Bertha, who uses ground types and Flint, who uses fire types of the Elite four.
3. 1 Grass type
Recommended pokemon: Turtwig and evolves (Grotle and Torterra) (If Turtwig chosen as starter), Budew and evolves (Roselia, Roserade), Oddish and evolves (Gloom, Bellosm, Vileplume) (Post national dex), Leafeon (post national dex)
Why?: If your team had just a fire and water type and lacked a grass type, you'd be weak to water types. If you had a grass type, you'd be less suspectible to water types and their moves and your grass moves would be super effective. This is helpful for betaing Wake, the fourth gym gym leader who uses water types.
4. 1 Legendary (If possible)
You should attempt to have one legendary on your team if possible because legendaries have above average stats. A common mistake made: Don't have your team all legendaries! Why? Because most legendaries are Psychic types, you'd be very suspectible to dark types.
5. 1 Psychic type
Recommended pokemon: Kedabra, Alakazam, Mime jr and evolve (Mr. Mime), Bronzor and evolve (Bronzong), Natu and evolve (Xatu) (Post National Dex),
Drowsee and evolve (Hypno) (Post national dex)
Why?: Psychic types usually have a very good Sp atk. They also have a resistance and an advange over fight types, which a lot of types are weak to. Psychic types are helpful for beating Maylene , the third gym leader who uses fight types.
6. 1 Ghost type OR Dark type
Recommended pokemon: Gastly and evolves (Haunter, Gengar), Spiritomb, Rotom(Post national dex), Misdreavus and evolve(Mismagius), Sneasel and evolve (Weaville), Murkrow and evolve (Honchkrow)
Why?: To cover Psychic's weakness agiast Dark types. Since dark type and ghost type moves are super effective against Psychic types, and psychic type moves don't work at all on dark types, the Ghost/Dark type is here to cover. Most ghost types can learn dark type moves by TM and even naturaly and vice versa . Ghhost types are weak to Dark types and thier own type, so If you have a ghost type or dark type on your team, youu can use this to your advantage. However, this means tou will also be weak to dark and ghost type moves as well. You will also be resistant to posion type moves. Ghost and Dark types come in handy when beating Lucian of the Elite four, who uses Psychic types.
I hope this guide really helped you make a good team in which weaknesses are covered!