How to get Vintage Tamas in Europe?


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Dolphin Girl

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
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I really want to know how I can get hold of Vintage Tamagotchis (e.g. Angel, Devil, Ocean) in Europe. Yes, I've searched Ebay and I'm sure that if they were sold there they would be terribly expensive. Do you know any trustworthy sellers of Vintage Tamas who would ship to Europe?

If you're thinking of recommending tBay, I can't buy through that so that's not an option :( .

eBay is where I get mine! They are expensive though my angel was £50 but worth it!

Thanks guys! I will have a look on eBay and see what I can find :)

Have you tried Ebay Global? More times than not, I've visited a countries local Ebay site, found a Tama that I want to get my hands on, contacted the seller to see if they can ship overseas - and they agree. Of course that decision is entirely based on the seller's discretion, but it's worth a shot - I know I've had great success. I've bought every version of European Tamagotchi Connection as well as a P1, P2 and Angel from European based sellers.

Check garage sales and the occasional Thrift Shop. I've found a few through there, usually they're used but cheap and no credit card needed !

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