how to get mametchi


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v1:tarakotchi -name:nemo-age:6-gen:2-pink wit hearts

v3:dorotchi left baby boy,tamatchi-name:daffy-age:1-gen3-yellow wit stars

v3:mohawk dude turned into patapatatchi-name-bella-age:2-gen:3-pink wit bows

v3:still matchmaker-name:cutie-age:13-gen 1-red with shooting stars

v3:black star thing ran outta batteries-mint green wit flowers

v4:toddler bunny turn into young memetchi-gen:2-pink wit stripes


I love my tamas! If they arent with me i panic~! Anyways, do you have any tips for v1 mametchis? I love your tips anyway tho! I just have v1s tho....

ive gotten mametchi at least 17 times and im SICK AND TIRED OF GETTING HER!!!!!

1. first you never let the hearts go below one.

2.then it should turn into a tamatchi or that pinecone thing, not the mohawk dude.

3. keep doing number 1 and then it should transform into a young mametchi.

3. make the traning full and make it 20-60 pounds.

4. then it should transform into a mametchi

p.s. shes adorable (when i first got her and she kisses adorable!!)
I got mohitamachi and still got young mametchi :furawatchi:

hey ladies and gentlman look!! its little me back from my baby cousins house!(not pari(paris))watz up my peeps that love tamagotchis! :lol: any one got any questions??ok but hold your horses people before you post pm me i barely check my posts! so ......... bye!(this post ends happily ever after if you havent notice!)

i want a mametchi!!!but i am so unlucky!!!

v3 tamagotchi





hey watz up!!!! i havent been on cuz

1. my mom is a total computer hogger

2.i wuz grounded from a c on a test <_< <_< <_<

any ways noone has answered since then so im happy!!

and now im gonna be on all the time cuz i got my OWN laptop!!!

my tamagotchis are taken away cuz school. the let me on the computer but they dont let me be with my tamas watz up with that???? statics. i dont even remember cuz they got taken away since feburary. :( so speak up and so r-e-s-p-c-k [respeck]

[this ends sadly with out tamas :( :( which makes me all dark inside <_< :nazotchi: :nazotchi:

hello any one??????


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