How to change or influence which family group a child evolves into on the V4?


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If this is an old and well-used unit, have you tried to VERY carefully bend the battery contacts back up with a small flat-head screwdriver? I noticed that you mentioned this issue in your log, too, and I'm wondering if it's erroneously telling you that you need to change the battery because it's not making proper contact and is therefore thinking that the voltage is dropping off when it actually isn't, or something of that nature.
I guess it's kind of old and well-used, but confusingly my chocolate argyle V4.5 is more so and I haven't had any battery problems with it.

I took a look at the battery contact, and it was nearly flat! I bent it up a tiny bit with a small flat-head screwdriver as you suggested, but it will take a bit to see if it actually worked or not. Thanks in advance!

I took a look at the battery contact, and it was nearly flat! I bent it up a tiny bit with a small flat-head screwdriver as you suggested, but it will take a bit to see if it actually worked or not. Thanks in advance!
No problem! Good luck, and I hope that this is all that it is. :)

For what it's worth, I'm not too surprised that you found that it was flat. :lol: A running change in the materials used for the V4.5 might explain why you haven't experienced similar with that one, I would guess.

Hi! It's been a while, but I have some updates. Mewtwo and Amber left their babies and both just evolved into the Child stage. Metwtwo's son, who I called Mewthree, surprised me greatly by becoming a MohiTamatchi, despite having no Kuchi genes whatsoever! Fuji, Amber's son, became a slightly more predictable MizuTamatchi. I didn't take perfect care of them (their hungry & happy hearts dropped to 2 once) so maybe that's why they got these results.

I'm going to try six care mistakes the next time I get MohiTamatchi or MizuTamatchi to see if that works.
Since I have both of those now, I perhaps I can try this trick with both of them! I'll also have their hearts fairly low (maybe up to three maximum, to avoid Obotchi?), which may be a factor, as tamaninjacat pointed out. Hopefully, this will get me Oniontchi with Mewthree and a Kuchi teen with Fuji! I'll update in a day or two.

Hi! It's been a while, but I have some updates. Mewtwo and Amber left their babies and both just evolved into the Child stage. Metwtwo's son, who I called Mewthree, surprised me greatly by becoming a MohiTamatchi, despite having no Kuchi genes whatsoever! Fuji, Amber's son, became a slightly more predictable MizuTamatchi. I didn't take perfect care of them (their hungry & happy hearts dropped to 2 once) so maybe that's why they got these results.
I've obtained MohiTamatchi nearly every time I've married a Mame and Meme adult by connection, so that's not at all surprising to me :)  I think the stats dropping is why it happens.

Anyway, I have an update. Remember Daisy the Maidtchi? Well, she married a Tarakotchi via the matchmaker. I named her son Rick, and he evolved into MizuTamatchi. I fell asleep for about a half hour while he was a baby, and when I woke up, his hungry hearts were empty and there were three poos on the screen. So that probably explains why he didn't evolve into MohiTamatchi as I have every other time I've married a Mame adult to a Kuchi adult.

Anyway, I gave him six care mistakes over the course of yesterday (three from hunger, three from unhappiness). I didn't miss a single training call, though. And somehow, someway, he evolved into Young Kuchipatchi just now! I was a little shocked, but also a bit amused at the same time.

I guess we're going to have to try something else to get Oniontchi and Nikatchi. My next best guess is seven or eight care mistakes, but that's probably too strenuous. Keeping the stats fairly low may also play a part in it, as @tamaninjacat theorized. I was going to marry Evie the Mimitchi to another Mame adult to try for Harutchi, but now I think I'm going to marry her to a Kuchi adult to get MohiTamatchi so I can try for Oniontchi/Nikatchi again.

Evie the Mimitchi finally married a couple days ago, but I wasn't able to marry her to a Mame adult. I feared that if I waited any longer, she would evolve into a senior because, even though her age counter was borked, the device still keeps track of the Tama's actual age. She married a Tenpatchi, a Kuchi adult, on my Earth V4.5.

Her son (whom I named Edd) evolved into MohiTamatchi as I expected. I gave him five care mistakes over the course of today; three from hunger and two from unhappiness. Afterwards, I kept his hungry and happy hearts at a maximum of three hearts, and let them drop several times. I think I may be safe from HinoTamatchi and Obotchi, but we'll have to wait and see. I didn't miss any training calls, so I'm definitely safe from Hawainotchi.

I'll update tomorrow on which teen character he evolves into!


He evolved into Oniontchi!! :D


Not only did I never completely fill his hungry and happy hearts, they were also halfway empty when he evolved! (for the same reason, Greyer the KuchiTamatchi evolved into Kujakutchi...bleah :p ).

Based on this, it definitely seems that keeping the stats low has an impact on whether the "good care" or "bad care" teen is obtained; not only before it evolves, but also when it evolves. It would make sense, too, since I've obtained Y. Mametchi, Y. Kuchipatchi, and Y. Dorotchi with four care mistakes, which is generally considered "bad care", while otherwise keeping their stats fairly high.

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He evolved into Oniontchi!! :D
That is amazing! :D

Based on this, it definitely seems that keeping the stats low has an impact on whether the "good care" or "bad care" teen is obtained; not only before it evolves, but also when it evolves. It would make sense, too, since I've obtained Y. Mametchi, Y. Kuchipatchi, and Y. Dorotchi with four care mistakes, which is generally considered "bad care", while otherwise keeping their stats fairly high.
This would explain why a lot of our experiments resulted in "good care" teens even though we were giving them a ton of care mistakes. :p  So would this also be the key to obtaining Oniontchi/Nikatchi from Mizutamatchi? I know you got Rick to evolve into a Kuchi family teen, so were you keeping his stats high otherwise?

On a personal note, Lapis got married to a Zukyutchi and they had a baby girl (Samus). I mostly ignored her during her baby hour which resulted in her evolving into a Mizutamatchi and not Mohitamatchi (just like Rick). I've obtained three care misses (from hunger) so far, but I've had her on pause since yesterday. I've been keeping her stats below four hearts the whole time, except for one instance when I took her to the toilet (I wasn't expecting it to fill a happy heart). I'll continue to keep her stats low and see if that gets me a Nikatchi. 

Now I wanted to announce that I might not be be able to post as often for awhile. I'm starting a new job on Tuesday, so that won't leave me much time to run my V4. I'll certainly still be lurking around the forums and making posts here and there, but I won't be able to contribute much to the this thread if my V4 is going to be growing at a snail's pace. :p  This isn't a goodbye or a resignation of any kind, but I just wanted to let you guys know why I won't be posting as frequently. Once the dust settles and I get used to my new schedule, I'll be back to running the V4 as frequently as I can. ^_^  I'll likely be posting this weekend since I plan on unpausing Samus tomorrow (she's been paused because I'm trying to change my sleep schedule), so I'm not going on hiatus yet.

This would explain why a lot of our experiments resulted in "good care" teens even though we were giving them a ton of care mistakes. :p  So would this also be the key to obtaining Oniontchi/Nikatchi from Mizutamatchi? I know you got Rick to evolve into a Kuchi family teen, so were you keeping his stats high otherwise?
I would assume so. Immediately after Rick's sixth care mistake, I filled his hungry and happy hearts completely and kept them high until he evolved.

I think I'll have either Rick or Edd marry a Meme adult to get MizuTamatchi so I can try what I did with Edd when he was a MohiTamatchi. I don't think I'll be at risk for HinoTamatchi or Ichigotchi, since the aforementioned children both seem equally likely to evolve into them.

On a personal note, Lapis got married to a Zukyutchi and they had a baby girl (Samus). I mostly ignored her during her baby hour which resulted in her evolving into a Mizutamatchi and not Mohitamatchi (just like Rick). I've obtained three care misses (from hunger) so far, but I've had her on pause since yesterday. I've been keeping her stats below four hearts the whole time, except for one instance when I took her to the toilet (I wasn't expecting it to fill a happy heart). I'll continue to keep her stats low and see if that gets me a Nikatchi. 
Good luck! Maybe any further care mistakes should be from unhappiness; accumulating care mistakes from hunger may be more risky (it would make sense, but it's just a theory).

Catching a Tama before it makes a mess fills two happy hearts; I was kind of surprised the first time I discovered that.

Also, congrats on the new job! ^_^

Samus has evolved into an adult, but she unfortunately became a Universal adult (Pyonkotchi)... The pausing caused me to miss training calls when she was a toddler, so she never stood a chance. :p  I plan on marrying her to another Universal adult just like I did for Spyro. I'll see if I get the same toddler again or if I get someone new. 

My new job starts tomorrow, so I won't be making much progress for awhile. I'll still be lurking on the thread and cheering you guys on though! :D

First off, I want to apologise for being inactive for a few days. I was away visiting some relatives over the weekend.

Samus has evolved into an adult, but she unfortunately became a Universal adult (Pyonkotchi)... The pausing caused me to miss training calls when she was a toddler, so she never stood a chance. :p  I plan on marrying her to another Universal adult just like I did for Spyro. I'll see if I get the same toddler again or if I get someone new.
I've looked at your information and have thought over my past experience with V4 growth, and I have a couple theories that I think may be worth testing...

First off: are Hawainotchi and Hawaikotchi obtained with low training AND poor care? When I was younger, silly me would always praise a Tama when it made a "for no reason" call, so they tended to have fairly low training. But I only remember obtaining Hawainotchi once or twice before logging my Tamas' growth, and I don't think I've ever obtained Hawaikotchi. And both times either of us have obtained them lately, it was through low training and poor care, so I'm interested to see it it's both of those factors that result in them and not just the former.

Second: are Pyonchitchi and Pyonkotchi obtained through low skill, low training, or both? It's always been thought that they come from low skill and good care, but I'm wondering now if it's actually a low training bar that results in them? When I was younger, I would obtain Pyonchitchi fairly consistently (along with Gozarutchi and Masktchi) with both low training and low skill. In recent years, I haven't obtained him even with fairly low skill points. This is what leads me to believe it may be a result of low training rather than low skill.

And just a little update, Rick the Kuchipatchi married a Masktchi and had a girl, currently a MohiTamatchi named Lotti. She should evolve into a teen tomorrow morning. I didn't miss a single training call, but I've let a few care mistakes accumulate, and I've hardly filled her hungry and happy hearts fully (but I've tried not to let them stay too low). I'm strongly hoping that's enough for her to evolve into Nikatchi! I'll update when she evolves. Wish me luck!  ^_^

Hi! Sorry, it's been a while - I've been on many professional commitments recently, so I had to pause my Version 4s during this time. However, they've finally evolved - Mewthree into Young Kuchipatchi and Fuji into Gourmetchi. They weren't the results I was aiming for, but this was my mistake. I was only able to give them one care mistake each instead of six - this was partially because I was busy (I didn't let the hearts empty enough because I had to leave them for long periods and I was worried they would die from it) but also due to my lack of experience in giving care mistakes. I'm used to giving good care to my Tamas so this was pretty new. I'm sure I'll get better with time though.

I did however, keep hearts at a maximum of three, just like Maria&Co.'s test with Edd (Test M5). I did this out of curiosity to see if the "two hearts maximum" method is completely true with obtaining Obotchi/Ojyotchi. Since neither Fuji or Mewthree became these, it seems to confirm that theory.

First off: are Hawainotchi and Hawaikotchi obtained with low training AND poor care? When I was younger, silly me would always praise a Tama when it made a "for no reason" call, so they tended to have fairly low training. But I only remember obtaining Hawainotchi once or twice before logging my Tamas' growth, and I don't think I've ever obtained Hawaikotchi. And both times either of us have obtained them lately, it was through low training and poor care, so I'm interested to see it it's both of those factors that result in them and not just the former.
Interestingly, Fuji also had poor training when he evolved (at just 2 bars), yet he still became a Gourmetchi. So that theory you stated may have some weight - perhaps both conditions must be met. Since Fuji had just one care mistake, he may not have been given enough bad care to qualify for both conditions (despite his somewhat sloppy care with hearts).

My new job starts tomorrow, so I won't be making much progress for awhile. I'll still be lurking on the thread and cheering you guys on though!
I get your situation, so no problem! I've had similar times in the past where work/study commitments got in the way of my Tamagotchi logging. In fact, I'm fairly busy now, so my progress might be slow at the moment too. Luckily, this online research project can technically take forever if we need it. Good luck with your new job!

I'll post here next when my Version 4s reach the next generation. I might stagger the lifecycles of the two Tamas a bit so that I won't have to raise two Child characters at once and then have several days without any tests. I've now updated the spreadsheet to include the most recent data, and I'll hopefully continue that.

Hi! Sorry, it's been a while - I've been on many professional commitments recently, so I had to pause my Version 4s during this time.
That's okay, I understand your situation completely!

However, they've finally evolved - Mewthree into Young Kuchipatchi and Fuji into Gourmetchi. They weren't the results I was aiming for, but this was my mistake. I was only able to give them one care mistake each instead of six - this was partially because I was busy (I didn't let the hearts empty enough because I had to leave them for long periods and I was worried they would die from it) but also due to my lack of experience in giving care mistakes. I'm used to giving good care to my Tamas so this was pretty new. I'm sure I'll get better with time though.

I did however, keep hearts at a maximum of three, just like Maria&Co.'s test with Edd (Test M5). I did this out of curiosity to see if the "two hearts maximum" method is completely true with obtaining Obotchi/Ojyotchi. Since neither Fuji or Mewthree became these, it seems to confirm that theory.


Interestingly, Fuji also had poor training when he evolved (at just 2 bars), yet he still became a Gourmetchi. So that theory you stated may have some weight - perhaps both conditions must be met. Since Fuji had just one care mistake, he may not have been given enough bad care to qualify for both conditions (despite his somewhat sloppy care with hearts).
Your results seem pretty accurate with my experience. It's okay that things didn't go the way you planned, there's always next generation.

I didn't have much experience with care mistakes myself until just a few months ago, when I tried it out of curiosity on two of my V4.5s to see if several care mistakes would put Hitodetchi into the Meme or Kuchi family rather than the Mame family (and unlike my experiment with Puchitchi, it worked).

If Fuji became a Gourmetchi with only two training bars, that may solidify my theory! Of course, we'll need to do a little more testing before we can say for certain ;)

Update on Lotti, unfortunately she has evolved into Ichigotchi. I thought I was doing the same thing I did with Edd, but either I got the amount of care mistakes wrong, or her stats were too high when she evolved. Or perhaps I did something else wrong, I don't really know. I haven't obtained a Meme teen on the V4 in quite some time, though, so I wasn't very upset. I'll have to marry her to a Kuchi adult so I can try again.

Speaking of Edd, he married an Ura Zukyutchi last night and had a girl. I have no idea which child she'll evolve into; the only time I had a marriage with Kuchi + Mame, it resulted in Puchitchi, but perhaps I'll end up with a different child this time, who knows? Hopefully I'll be able to test one of our theories regardless of the results ^_^

I obtained Nikatchi!!

Edd's daughter Kandi evolved into MohiTamatchi, and I gave her the same level of care I did of her father, since five care mistakes and poor care resulted in Oniontchi with him.


And it worked! She evolved into Nikatchi just as I was hoping! She was one of only two or three teen characters I've never obtained, so I was quite pleased with that ^_^  (The others are definitely Hawaikotchi and possibly Young Mimitchi)

Based on this, I can say with absolute certainty that Oniontchi and Nikatchi evolve from MohiTamatchi with five or more care mistakes; not only that, but the hungry and happy hearts need to be halfway filled when it evolves, and it has to be given sloppy care overall. Now we just need to figure out how they evolve from MizuTamatchi :D

Not to mention, a lot is still unknown about Puchitchi and especially Harutchi's evolution. I'll have to marry Lotti to another Meme adult to try for Puchitchi, and see if I can figure out something about how its evolution works.

Sorry it's been a while since my last post, I've been kind of lazy busy lately.

On Tuesday (the 24th), Lotti married another Meme adult as planned (Tosakatchi, to be specific). And, as expected, her daughter, Erin, evolved into Puchitchi yesterday morning.


I gave her three care mistakes to see if she would evolve into Ringotchi or Young Memetchi.


And she evolved into Young Memetchi!  ^_^

Based on this and previous experience, I think that giving Puchitchi three care mistakes is the maximum required to prevent Ringotchi and Young Androtchi from appearing, but it seems Gourmetchi and Young Memetchi can evolve from it with any number of care mistakes if a "care slip" occurs (when the hungry or happy hearts drop too low but are filled before it can count as a care mistake), so I'm not entirely sure. Next time I get Puchitchi, I'll have to try three care mistakes again without any care slips to see if I get Young Memetchi/Gourmetchi again, or Ringotchi/Young Androtchi.

As for Kandi the Nikatchi, she evolved into Yattatchi a few days ago. She married a Tarakotchi via the matchmaker yesterday. I don't know whether her child will evolve into MohiTamatchi or Harutchi; I'm kind of hoping for the latter, though, so I can try to see if I can get it to evolve into the Meme family somehow :)

I hate to post four times in a row, but I really don't have any choice here :p

Kandi's daughter, Hanna, evolved into MizuTamatchi. I got distracted for a bit and her hungry hearts emptied, so it wasn't very surprising. I really wanted her to evolve into Young Dorotchi, so I tried what I did with Debbi a while back. I thought I gave her four care mistakes, but there was one instance where she made a call for empty hungry hearts while her happy hearts were already empty, so I filled her happy hearts just in case. But I must have made a mistake there, because she evolved into Ichigotchi.

There was also one instance in which she made a "for no reason" discipline call when her happy hearts were only at one, so I filled one heart before giving her a time-out, but I think that may have been a mistake as well and most likely also had something to do with her evolution. From my experience, a care slip -- filling the hungry/happy hearts when they're only at one heart -- instantly results in an evolution into the "bad care" teens (which is unfair if you ask me).
Side tangent: I thought that wasn't the case on the V4.5, but I just had a KuchiTamatchi evolve into Kujakutchi with only three care mistakes, but one instance of a care slip, so it most likely does apply to that version as well.

I think I'll marry Erin to a Kuchi adult so I can try again. She evolved into Memetchi this morning  :)

I wanted to drop a quick update while I have the time. Samus got married to a Minotchi instead of a Universal adult by accident. They had a baby boy (Shane) that evolved into a Mohitamatchi. I'm hoping to get him to evolve an Oniontchi, but I'm worried that the pausing will cause him to also miss training calls. Maybe I'll keep him paused overnight whenever I'm able to run him... 

I probably won't be able to post for awhile again, but it was nice to make some progress!

Hi, I just found out about this thread and I wanted to help with the research. I started my V4 a week or so ago and I've been writing down as much data as possible about its evolution because I had also been wondering about what exactly affects it. I actually started thinking just about child to teen evolution because I've read many times that baby to child evolution is completely random and I had never questioned it (I never even considered that the parents' family could affect it!).

My V4 is currently on generation 2 (I didn't think about all of this until the first gen Tamagotchi was already a teen). His name is Kiiro, he was a Puchitchi and evolved a few hours ago into a Gourmetchi with no care misses and no care slips (the hungry/happy hearts never dropped below 2), and he had 4 hungry and happy hearts when he evolved. He has 2 training bars (I turned the sound off yesterday and probably missed a few training calls) and his parents were both from the Meme family (Shimashimatchi and Violetchi).

I've also been writing down their weight and skills (even though I don't think skills have any effect on this, maybe just the total for universal characters, but just in case) as well as how many times they get sick.

I want to start my brother's V4 when I get to gen 3 so that I can collect twice as much data at the same time (in fact I intended to start it yesterday when generation 2 started but I forgot to do it). I want to have both of them grow up on the same days so that I have to wait as little as possible to marry them.

Hi everyone! I just started up my v4 about 2 weeks ago, and have the same question since I have NEVER had the kuchi family before! As a kid I've had all the mame and meme family tamas including the special characters. I own the v4, v3, and v2.

For the v4, I downloaded my last gen 3 mizutamatchi which evolved into young memetchi -> violetchi and I married her to a tosakatchi. The family history includes tosakatchi (gen 1) and togetchi (gen 2) so this line has always been in the meme family. I ended up with a baby boy that grew into mizutamatchi -> gourmetchi ->shimashimatchi. I found this thread shortly after and decided to boot up my v3 and marry the gen 4 shimashimatchi to my v3 pipotchi to try and change the influence although I'm not too sure if it will. I will be starting up tomorrow with my gen 5 baby boy and will try to follow some of your findings so far with the care mistakes!

I also wanted some clarification on what counts as a care mistake. Should I just let the hearts drop to 0 occasionally, ignore the calls, and resume care after? I'm a little nervous about having them die from this and so I'm also wondering if you let either hunger or happiness drop at separate times to avoid both being empty 😅. I understand that training doesn't necessarily count as a care mistake.

Looking forward to hearing back from everyone on their findings! This was a great read and I hope we get get close to figuring this out!

First off, I want to apologise for being so inactive lately. Tamagotchi has kind of slipped my interest in the past couple weeks (lately it just feels like every day is five days long :p ). So I haven't really payed much attention to certain details, such as when a Tama evolved, what its skills were, what its training was, yadda yadda yadda...  But I'm starting to get back into it  :)

Hi, I just found out about this thread and I wanted to help with the research. I started my V4 a week or so ago and I've been writing down as much data as possible about its evolution because I had also been wondering about what exactly affects it. I actually started thinking just about child to teen evolution because I've read many times that baby to child evolution is completely random and I had never questioned it (I never even considered that the parents' family could affect it!).

My V4 is currently on generation 2 (I didn't think about all of this until the first gen Tamagotchi was already a teen). His name is Kiiro, he was a Puchitchi and evolved a few hours ago into a Gourmetchi with no care misses and no care slips (the hungry/happy hearts never dropped below 2), and he had 4 hungry and happy hearts when he evolved. He has 2 training bars (I turned the sound off yesterday and probably missed a few training calls) and his parents were both from the Meme family (Shimashimatchi and Violetchi).

I've also been writing down their weight and skills (even though I don't think skills have any effect on this, maybe just the total for universal characters, but just in case) as well as how many times they get sick.

I want to start my brother's V4 when I get to gen 3 so that I can collect twice as much data at the same time (in fact I intended to start it yesterday when generation 2 started but I forgot to do it). I want to have both of them grow up on the same days so that I have to wait as little as possible to marry them.
That's great that you're joining in on this! This topic has inactive for nearly a month, so I'm glad to see it hasn't ended yet ^_^  Good luck!

Hi everyone! I just started up my v4 about 2 weeks ago, and have the same question since I have NEVER had the kuchi family before! As a kid I've had all the mame and meme family tamas including the special characters.
Goodness! That's too bad... The Kuchi family is more difficult to obtain that the other families, though, so I don't think you're the only one :(

For the v4, I downloaded my last gen 3 mizutamatchi which evolved into young memetchi -> violetchi and I married her to a tosakatchi. The family history includes tosakatchi (gen 1) and togetchi (gen 2) so this line has always been in the meme family. I ended up with a baby boy that grew into mizutamatchi -> gourmetchi ->shimashimatchi. I found this thread shortly after and decided to boot up my v3 and marry the gen 4 shimashimatchi to my v3 pipotchi to try and change the influence although I'm not too sure if it will. I will be starting up tomorrow with my gen 5 baby boy and will try to follow some of your findings so far with the care mistakes!
Every time I've married an adult on the V4 to an adult on the V2, it resulted in MohiTamatchi, and I assume the same applies with a V3. Maybe you'll get lucky! If you do get MohiTamatchi, give it perfect care; no care mistakes, no missed training calls, and never let the hungry or happy hearts drop below two hearts. That's the most reliable, least risky method of obtaining a Kuchi teen :)

I also wanted some clarification on what counts as a care mistake. Should I just let the hearts drop to 0 occasionally, ignore the calls, and resume care after? I'm a little nervous about having them die from this and so I'm also wondering if you let either hunger or happiness drop at separate times to avoid both being empty 😅. I understand that training doesn't necessarily count as a care mistake.
Yes, letting the hungry or happy hearts drop to 0 and waiting fifteen minutes is how a care mistake occurs. Doing the same when it's sick also seems to, but that's very risky, so I wouldn't try doing that. You can go right into good care after accumulating the number of care mistakes you want.

As for your second question, giving a Tama five or more care mistakes puts it at risk for dying each time a care mistake occurs. But if you give it less than five care mistakes, you shouldn't have anything to worry about unless the happy or hungry hearts stay empty for too long.

I usually let both meters gradually drop at the same time. When both of them are empty at the same time, but the attention icon is still on, it's a good idea to wait until the attention icon has turned off; when it comes to deciding which character the child evolves into, filling the hearts when they're very low or empty is worse than a care mistake!

Good luck, and I hope I helped a bit!

Every time I've married an adult on the V4 to an adult on the V2, it resulted in MohiTamatchi, and I assume the same applies with a V3. Maybe you'll get lucky! If you do get MohiTamatchi, give it perfect care; no care mistakes, no missed training calls, and never let the hungry or happy hearts drop below two hearts. That's the most reliable, least risky method of obtaining a Kuchi teen
I was so excited to find that this is exactly what happened today, I finally got a mohitamatchi! I usually get the good care meme teens so I'll definitely be extra careful. Interestingly enough, my v3 grew into a mizutamatchi instead, though I doubt this has anything to do with his dad being a meme adult 😂

Thank you so much for the advice, it was very helpful! Fingers crossed for a Kuchi teen! This has been a wonderfully interesting time to get back into this for sure.
