How thin is too thin?


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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2008
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The moon
OK, I'm not really REALLY bothered about this, but I hate it when guys compare me to anorexics. They say "You arent ANOREXIC. Just anorexic THIN." I still dont like it.

I'm 5 ft 5 in. And I weigh about... 95- 100 pounds. Is that too thin?

BTW: I AM NOT ANOREXIC! I eat like a pig! If I dont eat, I will complain until the end of the day and I can go home and eat. I just have an extremely high metabolism. DONT MESS WITH A SKINNY GIRL AND HER FOOD! XD

I'm sure there is a nicer way to describe me, without using the term "anorexic", but am I too thin?

No. You aren't too thin. I'm in the exact same postion. But i weigh 42kg (92pounds) and im just 1/2 a inch shorter than you.

my Metobolism is way faster than average its like turbo charged.

I love food too! I eat more than my brother [hes 5 ft 4 and is 121lbs] and yet i'm the only person in my fambly with out a weight problem.


No, You are good not too thin! and there are nicer ways than anorexic to describe you. Petite, thin, etc

They are probably just jealous they can't eat food and stay thin.

Ugh! Me too!

It annoys me to no end.

I am 5 ft 1' and 77 lbs.

People seriously ask me if I have an eating disorder.

I do not. I eat more than my mom and sister.

It's probably heridetary for me, as both my parents are slim, and trim. XD

Are your parents the same way, Buddi?

My parents are both slim, so it is probably hereditary ;P

And most of the time when people describe me as anorexic, they are kinda chubby XD

My dad thinks I'm too thin, though D: Its probably because he doesnt want me to be a vegetarian ^_^

DO either of you guys get a bit faint and weak feeling when you havent eaten? Like, when you ate an early dinner, stayed up late, and woke up late the next morning with an empty stomach? I always feel all icky but then I eat oatmeal and I'm OK

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I'm 4' 11'' and wieght 75lbs. I'm the one who should be worried. Your fine.

Well, if you 5 foot, and 100 pounds, it looks skinny. But, if you were short and 100 pounds... It would look BIG.

It depends on height. My sister is about 5'2, and about 120 pounds, so she'll look skinner than me. I'm 5 foot, and around 100 pounds. So I look bigger.

Maybe you have high motalblism.

There's people I know who eat like a pig, and still lose weight, due to higher motablism.

I'm 5' 9" (at least) - I stopped measuring my height years ago :D

I'm around 125lbs and have been that weight for years.

You're just skinny :D

As long as you have a healthy appetite and are eating sensible foods (as well as the occasional treat, of course) you are not too thin :D

If you start to lose weight for no apparent reason then go see your Doctor and get a check up.

Your biggest challenge is going to be to learn to ignore the ignorant :D

I'm like... 5' 5". I weigh 108lbs. I look skinny. I weigh more than my friends, but I'm like a foot taller than most of them(HA, IN THEIR SKINNY SHORT LITTLE FACES!) I know a lot of people are really skinny. It's pretty normal, don't worry.

When the wind blows you in a certain direction, that's when your too thin.

When the wind blows you in a certain direction, that's when your too thin.

Too thin is when you can freeley see your ribs (not from muscle). You have a healthy appetite and a high metabolism. < If you do, becoming a vegitarian isn't exactly smart. You need meat.

Overall: You're fine.

Cecib :p

Too thin is when you can freeley see your ribs (not from muscle). You have a healthy appetite and a high metabolism. < If you do, becoming a vegitarian isn't exactly smart. You need meat.

Overall: You're fine.

Cecib :p
I bolded a certain bit!

What are you meaning there?

If its bad to go veg and have a high metabolism

then is it bad to be pescitarian (I only eat small amounts of fish and chicken and only 4 times a week) and have super speedy metabolism.

Cos thats what I am.

I can see my ribs but i'm healthy. They aren't promonent.

Well, I eat fish, but I dont say pescetarian(sp?) because then people are like, WHATS THAT?

I dont eat fish A LOT, maybe once or twice a week.

I had no problems at all with staying off meat, when most people are like, I NEEEED MYYY MEATSS!

I still always get super hyper and stuff.

I can see a lot of my ribs, my hips, and I have this thing on my back (lower back) and you can like, see little holes from the bones? its hard to explain. You can see this espescially when my tummy is empty. (Mr. Tummy wants his food!)

I had to take an iron test once because of my vegetarian-ism (wateva) and I was perfectly fine, the doctor always says that I am very healthy (except right now I am a bit sick and didnt go to school today because I have a bad cough).

I want to be tall, but I'm scared that if I get too tall, the meat will just stretch out and I will look even more skinny O.O

My dad says that I have about this -makes circle with thumb and forefinger- much fat on me XD

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