How tall are you?


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I'm around 4'9 and I'm 10. I guess its average height for my age...


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I grew a lot recently.

I didn't grow much in 7th grade. Maybe one inch if I was lucky.

I haven't really had that, "growth spurt," yet. :)

But I think its starting~

Just a few months ago I was 4' 10"; 4' 11" ish.

I went to the doctor last Friday & they measured me.

&& I was 5' 1".

I was like, zomg~

I dun wanna get that tall though. I like being the, "short," one.

My mom says I won't get above 5' 5".

I hope she's right.

I am 13, turning 14 in less than two months. :blink:

I'm going to be a freshman in high school.

So yeah, I'm pretty short for my age. Definatley one of the shortest in my class of 700.

My best friend is 14. She's 6". O: So when she's next to me theres like a foot difference. x]

5'2. I'm supposed to be anywhere from 5'5 to 5'7 or 5'8.

I hate being the tallest one in my class... it's like midget boys all around.

I think I'm 4'3 1/2". I haven't checked but that's what I remember. I'm 11 and my brother's 8 almost 9 and he's almost as tall as me! I want a growth spurt sooo badly. :rolleyes:

I was like....4"10 by the end of kindergarten. Around there. xP
My friend is really tall too. ^^;;

She just turned 14 about 4 months ago, & she is 5' 11 1/2".

So you're fine.


I'm 5''6, which is really tall for my age. ^^;

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