How old is to old...


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I loved people who did that :3 My friends and I would split the bowl/dish.
My mom and I used to do that too. Stick the bowl out there, wait about 20 minutes then bring the already empty bowl inside and shut off the lights xP

I've never known a single person(unless they're with their parents) to only take one piece, lol.
I take like...5 because otherwise I'll get this awful guilt. xD

We leave ours out now because our street doesn't get that many. Back in Cali, we couldn't do that, because then everything would be gone in five minutes.


In Texas, our bowl lasts an hour. But the street ours connects to is crowded.

If being a teenager is too old for trick-or-treating, why do they make costumes in adult sizes?

Never too old. Just find some little kid to use as an exuse jk jk

You are never too old! Until you hit your 20s!

I dunno. Never been. O:

I DID go to my first Halloween party ever tonight. 8D It was fuuun!

12 isn't too old! C'mon, it's FREE CANDY!!!!! Who doesn't want free candy? :p

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You should probably stop when you are like 20. You're only twelve you shouldn't even be thinking about stopping trick or treating on Halloween.

Actually.... you're never too old to go trick or treating. I changed my mind. You're never too old to go trick or treating.

Nu, I've never been. ;~;

Last year, though, I went over to my friend's house where they were giving out candy and I had this old man mask on and I just layed on the front lawn. Then these teenagers were like 'is that real??', went up to the door, and when they came back over I jumped up and screamed! XD

Lol, that was perfect.

everybody should trick or treat cuz you get lots of candy :wacko: :( :p :blink:

You're never too old!!! I'm 13 and I still go begging for candy like I'm homeless!!!!! Then I get a sugar rush!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!

Anyway once I saw, like, 20 year olds trick-or-treating. I'm going to do it till I have a kid, then I'd take him/her trick or treating and steal some of his/her candy! -_-

Dude....ITS FREE CANDY! plus you can act silly and stupid with your friends and do all sorts of things, ITS HALLOWEEN! im going till i graduate high school :] and plus its on a friday!

I don't think your ever too old.

Once I saw a group of adults trick-or-treating. I personally don't find it that odd. I mean, who doesn't want free candy?

Over here (Australia) trick or treating isn't really big.

I'm fourteen and that past three years I went, I'm not going this year though. :\

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