How Often Do You Check Your Tamagotchi(s)


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almost every ten to five minutes I obsess over there health

Probably something like this:

Baby - Every 2 minutes.

Toddler - Every 25-30 minutes.

Teen - Every 30-40 minutes.

Adult - Maybe once or twice an hour.


It depends.

If they are right next to me, every 2-3 minutes.

If they are upstairs in my room and I'm off somewhere else, then they could be left alone for 30 minutes?

And if I'm at a restaurant, or at a friends house, and they are just sitting in my purse, then it could be hours before I check on them :(

It also depends on how much I like that Tama. If its an ugly character, I think about it less and I am more likely to neglect it :blink:

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