How much money did you get from the TOOTH FAIRY?


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S_G, thats a little stupid. $40 dollars for a tooth?
My Mum and Dad spoil me, but Im not a brat that goes,


It was a joyous day, don't ruin my good times. And really, I didn't need to know that it was a little stupid to get $40 bucks. I was happy that day. :furawatchi:

I do remember buying alot of barbies and Whinnie the Pooh!!!! *gasp* that day though. xD


A dollar.

My tooth fairy was one cheap lady.


I got a buck every time, of course. 8D

...except for when my Mom completaly forgot and I would have to ask for the buck later. XD

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u guys the tooth fairy is ur parents
We know. We're just saying how much money the "Tooth Fairy" gave us when we were little. When we believed.

Unicorn: Shun the non believers!

Other unicorn: SHUUUUN!!!

Point made. Pencil sharpener found.

We know. We're just saying how much money the "Tooth Fairy" gave us when we were little. When we believed.
Unicorn: Shun the non believers!

Other unicorn: SHUUUUN!!!

Point made. Pencil sharpener found.

I love imagination, it gives you stuff for free! :D


I just lost a tooth today! But I dont do the tooth fairy lark anymore but I used to get £1 I think thats about $2?

What I wonder is once you lose your teeth what do your parents do with them where do they go?

I never believed in the tooth fairy to begin with. So no money for me... besides my baby teeth never came out, so the adult teeth started growing behind 'em, and they had to be pulled.


Paying kids for loosing teeth... stupid.

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I never get money from the tooth fairy.Infact, I stopped believing in it at age 5!

50 cents. My parents had sense in not wasting so much money on a tooth, as to bribe me into believing in the Toothfairy.I'm lucky if I get $20 for a good report card.

Then again, I haven't lost a tooth in over two years, so it doesn't really matter to me anymore.
Wow your parents are smarter than mine! mom bribed me into not telling my little brother Santa Claus is just wrinkly gibberish. I didn't take the bribe, but it's always funny to watch a grown-up squirm.

I remember when i lost a tooth i would put it in a glass of water and wake up in the morning to find a coin. I don't live in usa and the coin in the glass was worth approximately 2-3 dollars :huh: for that i think i got some candy in hope of more teeth falling out :rolleyes:

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