How much GP do you have on your current Tama?


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tamagotchi :D

Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Reaction score
new zealand
How much GP/Gotchi Points do you have on your currently-running Tamagotchi? I have a 2200 on my Tamagotchi Color. What about you?

Oooo I want a color so bad > w <;; On my v2 I have 150 since I just bought stuff xD and on my MS like 690,000 :p

I've got several Tamagotchis running but the only one that applies in this category is my TMGC+C. I've got 83,010 GP so far. I just got it a few days ago and I'm LOVING it so far. :lol:

I've actually got 99,999 GP now on my TMGC+C, and I'm only on the 1st generation. :) That's as high as it will go.

i have 6898 GP on my v4.5 at the moment. planning to spend it when the shop gets something cool

I just have my +C going at the moment and it's at 74,849 GP. It used to be at the highest possible (99,999) but I wanted to see what all the room renovations are like so I went on a little shopping spree. :p

I did the same thing you did OST on my Color and iD. Now the Color is back up to 99,999, and the iD is up to 97,225, or thereabouts. I figured to give them the best room upgrades available. However, neither of them is currently running, just my Chibi is, so no GP at the moment.

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