I have alot of blonde moments one time my friends bf was sitting with us at lunch and my other friends were like Poor ------ phoebe's probably embarrassing her and then i yelled jokingly im not embarrassing and threw my hands down but my fork was hanging over the table and when i threw my hands down i hit the fork and it flew across the room and hit some random kid in the head XD lol
I find stupid ways to get hurt more than be embarrassed.
Best one this morning was at work. I was 'driving' a cart and wasn't paying attention. Smashed into a big metal support beam. My whole chest slammed into the cart. It hurt. I guess that was embarrassing x.X
I dunno though. I figure if you can laugh at yourself and your mistakes, there's no need to be embarrassed about anything.
There aren't enough hours in a day too sum that one up for me XD I do alot especially at school around my crush it's too embarrassing like sometimes I might be talking to him and I like say the wrong thing and I say oh oh I didn't mean that and I like run off lol and I think in my head You idiot why did you say that and I like hit my head on my desk lol! XD * blushes * I'm dumb I'm not smooth with boys at all >_< lol I hope when we get of spring break I don't embarrass myself in front of him like I have been lately. Ugh lol >_<!