how long Ur tamagotchi will live.


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Ok well I just got a v4 tamagotchi (i'v had 2 other tamagotchi's before i think there both v2's but the battery of them died) and i have been trying to go to tamatown but when I put in my username and the password it won't let me in and I know for sure i have put in the right password. Can anyone help me?

:mimitchi: Ur tamagotchi will NEVER die unless U don't take care of it. :furawatchi:
Mytamaotciis11yrs.oldandtematcmakerwontcome! :D :) PLZPLZPLZtellmewattodo

so will i be stuck with an oldie tama forever? my tama never got a baby so what shall i do? no offence to my tama but the oldies aren't very cute and i really wanted to get a 2nd generation tama but the matchmaker never came. is there anyway of starting over again?

haha, you'll just have to let it die.

the matchmaker will NEVER come.

you can go get another tamagotchi, pause your main tamagotchi, and try to get another oldie.

it will get you a rare tamagotchi.

it looks really cool!

o_O 37 years old?

is it the ones that can't mate?

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