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There's no I in team. Oh yeah? Well, there's an M and an E! There should be an F and a U!

(Off of Bad News Bears, if you're wondering xD)


The cockroach eats the mosquitoe,the mosquitoe eats the blood.Disgusting humans eat mosquitoes too.


What happened was, I ran off the sidewalk and into the bushes and I was like "WHHOOOAAHH!" and I killed, like, so many plants.


there was like this guy that was like OMG popcorn!YUM!and the box of pop corn started jumping up and down then danced.and the guy was like this:LA LA LA LA laaaaaaaaaaar!And the popcorn dissapeared.WEIRD...

Um....99% weird


Bob was walking his dog and then the dog became a cat, except it still thought it was a dog. So the cat started chasing itself, because it had a dog personality.

100% for both! xDD

Savannah and Bahonna are in the salona and Bahonna is lsitening to Rihanna while Savannah is listening to Madonna while wearing her bandonna which matches her mama's pajamas which suit her green lama which had a baby named Donna who's owner is Brianna who's father is Osomo who did a bomba in Toronta and then had to go to a coma and when he got out he went to see Daijauna and Ivonna at the sauna.

20 o/o. heard it a zillion times before.

i am fred from harry potter, but i am a girl. only people who know what harry potter is, and knows who fred is, can answer this, plz.

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