How fast do v5 grow?


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Jun 25, 2008
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I've heard it takes 2 days for them to be teens, but I want to hear your experiences, just so I know what to expect.

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Heya TamaCrazyGirl11!!! I recently bought a Familitchi (v5) as well and mine took half a day to become kids - but after a couple of days have still remained kids! I can't tell you directly how long you'll have to wait (as I am wondering the same thing as you!) but we are both in the same situation here so it's normal, i can assure you that!!! :furawatchi:


Be patient, girls. Your Tamas will be evolving soon, I assure you. Though, the best state of mind to have when raising Tamas, is to be calm. I think with the V5s, the time may vary.

Though, I'm not sure.

Um , thats right

Baby - toddler - 1 hour

Toddler - teen - 2 days

Teen - adult - 2 more days ( 48 hours )

Adult to parent - available in 2 days

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