How do you type?


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I type at like, 70wpm.

And with my middle fingers.

According to everyone who sees me type, I'm too fast.

But I don't believe that cuz there are people who type much faster than 70wpm.


My dad is really forcing me to know how to touch type. It's too hard, and I'm only 12. I have lots of time left to learn...
I was forced to learn when I was 11, turning 12, at school.

That's really not all that young.

My dictionary has a name. That shows just how much I love it. I need a thesaurus so I can find bigger words.

Spelling is important to me, but grammar is my thing.

Although I admit sometimes I miss out apostrophes or place them inncorectly.

[Girl's = It belongs to the girl] [Girls' = It belongs to more than one girl] [Girls = The plural of girl or more than one girl] Thats a small lesson there.

Geez I sound like my english teacher o_O
The bolded is spelt 'incorrectly', Michelle. No I'm kidding. xDD I don't want to go starting any drama here. I just couldn't resist pointing that out.

YES. I'm a grammar freak.

Spelling is my thing.

On our annual spelling test, I scored 64/65. I was extremely frustrated that I'd managed to spell 'subterranean' wrongly. I spelt it 'subterranian'. With an 'I'. It took me a while to get over that, but now I'm proud that I only made one spelling mistake out of sixty five. Yay for me. xD

I type pretty well.

Not too fast, but faster than most people my age.

I don't use "txt tlk" and I don't have a spellchecker, so I've been trained to spell things right.

I'm a spelling freak--no lie. Like, I can look at a word once or twice and have it down for...well forever?

Grammar, I'm big on grammar. I love apostrophes. :) They just make me so happy. The only grammar I don't use is the whole comma near the quotes thing--does anyone use that though?

And I can touch type--with a catch. I have to be used to the computer. Like--my laptop I'm totally used to it. I'm okayish on our desktop and my mom's laptop. On the school computers--I'm awful at touch typing. I need to have the feel of the key spacing or something--god only knows.

The bolded is spelt 'incorrectly', Michelle. No I'm kidding. xDD I don't want to go starting any drama here. I just couldn't resist pointing that out.
YES. I'm a grammar freak.

Spelling is my thing.

On our annual spelling test, I scored 64/65. I was extremely frustrated that I'd managed to spell 'subterranean' wrongly. I spelt it 'subterranian'. With an 'I'. It took me a while to get over that, but now I'm proud that I only made one spelling mistake out of sixty five. Yay for me. xD

Its the crap keyboard i'm using at the moment. Its wireless and misses letters. I don't know how it got through my spell checker though...

In year 6 I out did the spelling system. Spelling nerds!

The bolded is spelt 'incorrectly', Michelle. No I'm kidding. xDD I don't want to go starting any drama here. I just couldn't resist pointing that out.
YES. I'm a grammar freak.

Spelling is my thing.

On our annual spelling test, I scored 64/65. I was extremely frustrated that I'd managed to spell 'subterranean' wrongly. I spelt it 'subterranian'. With an 'I'. It took me a while to get over that, but now I'm proud that I only made one spelling mistake out of sixty five. Yay for me. xD
Do we happen to have the same spelling test, and also same score?

Our test has subterranean in it too.

And I also got 64/65.

Isn't that a coincidence?


My friends call me a grammar ninja because I type so good on the internet, AND even while I'm texting. I also just get very annoyed with people who don't know a spec of English when it's their language.

Just because it's easier to talk like a 2 year old while typing, doesn't mean you have to. It's painful for a lot of us.

I type with good grammar and spelling because it bothers me when people don't use those two things. I use correct fingering and type at around 75 WPM.

Do we happen to have the same spelling test, and also same score?
Our test has subterranean in it too.

And I also got 64/65.

Isn't that a coincidence?


You're in Year 7, right? That's the age I was in our previous annual spelling test.

We are scarily alike. <3

I type the "correct" way: using proper grammar, proper fingering (I learned touch typing at the age of 9), and not overly using txt tlk. Just the occasional "lol" and "brb" and "ttyl" when instant messaging.

I usually type fact, chicken peck, and prefer correct grammar. It annoys me to no end with txt tlk. I mean seriously :I

And I don't have to look at the keyboard most of the time either! I can look away from the screen too and know what I'm typing :3

I don't talk 'txt tlk' much, only occasionally, like on MSN or TC, I'll say 'ppl' or 'lol' or 'btw' ... stuff like that. But overall, I use good grammar and spelling and yup.

In class I am a grammar freak, though. Not online :]

And yes, I hate TyPiNg LiKe ThIs too. It annoys my eyes and makes me want to rip them out or something O: xD (no offense if you type like that..)

[SIZE=7pt]edit- typo[/SIZE]

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