:furawatchi: I must sound like I'm from California but unlike most people I'm rather quiet and reserved. My voice changes very much and is usually so high pitched that a co-worker calls me Bubbles (like the power-puff girl). I try to use a deeper voice around most people so it carries a bit more but I sound like I'm six-years-old. I guess it suits me because I'm generally a sunny, happy, bouncy person when not sharing my opinions...
I act and sound like an air-head but I don't think like one?
Really, though, I have like, a mood voice. I can copy lots and lots of voices, sounds, and accents. People have asked me if I had lived in counties like Japan or taken voice classes...

which really surprises me... because I never have.... I just like to make funny voices....
I'm not very good at talking though because really, I'm very shy until I'm comfortable around someone. I prefer to speak in my own languages (which my boyfriend seems to pick up on rather well) rather than speak English though so if anyone did talk to me I'd probably slip and say Biiii!! or something...
:furawatchi: man... I'm so weird...
EDIT: I do swear when something needs emphasis but not very much.... I also don't censor myself either...