My tamagotchi are pretty spoiled. I feel guilty whenever I leave them somewhere and their hearts drop. I do admit, I like to mod them and such. Right now I'm going through the process of making one look steampunk!

(that way if I get caught with it in school, it'll be like a hightech "pocketwatch" with an antique look. lol!)
But I only mod ones I have doubles of.(i own two orange splash V1's, two headphones V6's, two glow-in-teh-dark V4' get the idea. I own a lot of others of the same versions, BUT I like to mod ones I already have a design of,lol.)
I try to baby my Tamas, but I can't find a code genorator that works good on the mobile phone browser! 'n'
All of my tamas, except the P1, V1, and Mini...and mabye the V2...haven't ran it in a while because they don't give you the option of buying food, are vegan. I make sure they don't eat anything Like Turkey, or yogurt, or ice cream. I wish you could buy Tofu for your tama! lol.
Anywho, my tamas are pretty darned spoiled. =D