Ok, want a Kuchipatchi? Here's what you do. 1. Marry your adult (when it gets to that stage) to any one of these Universal/Others characters: Mametchi (if girl), Kuchipatchi (if girl), Gozarutchi (if girl), Memetchi (if boy), Mimitchi (if boy), or Violetchi (if boy). Via Matchmaker they are very rare. Now if you get a boy, raise the 1st icon "the funny points" to the highest. You'll have Kuchipatchi. If you get a girl and do the same process, you'll get Memetchi so either of them will be great for you. 2. Risk it all by raisin' your 1st Icon to the highest and you might get: Ura Mametchi (boy), Celebtchi (boy), Tenpatchi (boy), or Kuchipatchi. If you risk it, the odds of gettin' Kuchipatchi are against you. Very much against you. Hope I helped!!!