How do I make my ID L tama happy?


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Jul 18, 2007
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I just got a Tamagotchi ID L Princess Spacey ver. and i cannot figure out how to make my tama happy. On the stats screen, the friendship/happiness thing has yet to show a happy face in one of the circles despite my playing games, feeding it, planting seeds, and even singing karaoke. Do you simply have to do those things a LOT or are there other things I should be doing? I hope this question hasn't been asked before because I couldn't find it.

Thank you.

That's not the happy meter, the happy meter is shown above that (looks like a bar)

Those circles are for the happy items that you find, for every happy item you find you get a circle filled that makes your happy bar larger :)

That's not the happy meter, the happy meter is shown above that (looks like a bar)

Those circles are for the happy items that you find, for every happy item you find you get a circle filled that makes your happy bar larger :)
Oh wow, thank you! I had no idea (haha). One more question then, what are happy items and how do you find them?

Happy Items are your current characters favourite food, clothes and toys.

It's part of the surprise that you actually have to find it out for yourself.

You will need to find 3 of them, then you'll get the fourth one 48 hours after your Tama becomes an adult.

If you'd like to skip the hunting part, there is a chart of each character and their Happy Items in Tama-Zone:

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