Well I was on a Japanese video site watching a Tamagotchi episode because it had Ikemen Mametchi in it, and there was a comment saying, "THERE SHOULD BE MORE EPISODES OF MAMETCHI AND HIS SEXY FACE". The person who wrote that comment was called DJYellow22 and his name seemed familiar... then I remembered he was from TamaTalk and Tama-Zone! I went to his TamaTalk profile and left a comment on his message feed telling him off, but he didn't reply lol.
Then I was looking at his posts and he wrote that more Tamagotchi fans should be interested in the Tamagotchi anime. I agreed with him and so I had a shout-out on my About Me saying he was awesome. XD
He sent me a PM thanking me for calling him awesome and I just replied it was because he likes the Tamagotchi anime.

We began to talk about Tamagotchi stuff more and I even RPed with him though I HATE RPing! We grew closer and closer, and I loved him more and more, and then ONE DAY...
...my BFF told me she had a crush on him. D: In desperation, I wrote the cheesiest love confession ever in a few seconds and emailed it to DJYellow. I dreadfully awaited his response, and when he didn't reject me, I was OVER THE MOON! I was so happy for a while but then I realized that he never mentioned whether he liked me back. So I asked my friend to ask him if he likes me and he said no...
I was heartbroken of course, but my crush on him never faded and we kept chatting like best friends <3
ANOTHER girl I know told me she had a crush on him. :| I panicked and decided to try something... I told DJYellow that I hope he finds a nice girlfriend one day, and after some confusing conversation, he revealed to me that he wanted no love besides ME! ;u; He said that he always hid that he truly loved me just because he was shy about it >w< Aww isn't that sweet ;u;
It was our 6-month anniversary a few days ago; we became BF and GF not long after my birthday! ;3
It was the easiest relationship ever at first but I've gradually become more stressed about certain things...lots of grief and regrets...we still love each other more than any words can describe but things aren't easy because of my mood swings and bad temper. ;/ I really want to meet him one day, and then everything will be easier <3