um.. A friend didn't tell me but I saw some people with them at school, they looked like fun... now 1 year later, I'm a total tama fan!! ^.^ I'd better vote
My friend brought her V1 to school and she started to tell me about it and teach me how to use it. I thought they were cool. I was lucky that it was a few days before my birthday and I go two V1 Tamagotchi for my birthday!!
My friend had one when she came over for a sleep over, but i was already getting one so..but i dont remember how i knew about them before that..oh well xD
Actually, when I was little, my parents got me one of the original, non-connection Tamagotchi! Then when the Connection V.1 came, I got so excited and bought one! I've had V.2, and now V.3 too I <3 Tama
My friend brought her V1 to school and she started to tell me about it and teach me how to use it. I thought they were cool. I was lucky that it was a few days before my birthday and I go two V1 Tamagotchi for my birthday!!
Well I had a BUNCH when I was little (my mom got me every color they had in like 1996, but they are stored away somewhere in the dark world of my attic now, lol), and then I saw Tamagotchi Corner Store for DS and it looked fun, didn't buy it though.
My mom has a warehouse and has sales there and there were some McDonalds tamagotchi in the bag, and I thought they were cool, so I got my v3
Um... well my brother got an award for being brave at the doctor and my Mom didn't want me to feel jelaous so she bought me one. Ever since then I LOVED them! :wuv:
I don't know how I found out about the old Generation Tamagotchi, but I did used to play with them back in the 90's. I had a silver one with black around the "cracked" looking part bordering the screen.
I saw the commercial for the V1 last May, and I totally flipped out because I thought Tamagotchi would never come back. I immediately went on my computer and looked up everything I could about the new V1. That's how I found TamaTalk :kuribotchi: . I got my first V1 at the end of May. .
There was a girl at school who had a v1 so I asked her about it, and a few days later, everyone had them. I was in a bit of a competition with my tama-lovin buddies -- I tried to buy more than them. I got three v1's in all, then I just got my v3 recently. I never got a v2, because I never saw it advertised... :kuribotchi: