Hot or cold?


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Same here, Band Geek.
You can dress up with coats and junk, but you can't just keep dressing down! Sometimes I just can't put up with hot weather. xP
The cold doesn't effect me, unlike heat does.

I wear just a sweatjacket in the winter, and my grandma says I'll get frostbite, but I haven't yet. :]

Actually, tbh, in NJ last year's summer was warm,not hot, even in August.

Hot is good. :3

Doesn't everyone love getting a tan, being by the pool and wearing Summery clothes?? Nothing really beats Summer. All my bestest, golden memories happen in Summer. Apart from the ones that happen in the Winter. Or Fall. Or Spring, I guess. . .

Anyway, heat is great. You just need to keep drinking lots of water and remember, kids, always wear your sunscreen. :]


I actually like feeling cold. Weird, I know. But I like that tingly, numb feeling. And I love going out in the rain when it's cold, and just getting drenched, and the rain turns icy on your skin! I dislike feeling hot, sweaty and uncomfortable. Cold is much more appealing to me.

I can't stand being cold! I love being warm and in summer you don't have to wear all the stupid winter stuff and you can get tan! I <3 the sun!

So I like HOT!

I find that I prefer being too hot than being too cold. Most of my friends are vice versa :( But still 46.7 degrees Celsius is pretty hard to put up with. I mean my city is like waaaaay faaaaaar from the equator (one island and a Southern Ocean from Antarctica) and this is just RIDICULOUS! M'eh...
Urrrrrrrgh. So hot. You live in Adelaide, right?

I'd rather be cold. :)

Hot. I can just flop into the pool of fill the wheely bin with cold water. Its fun! As long as I clean it first. But we just got 3 new ones not being used for 2 weeks.

I can't stand cold and they don't have free hot pools or hot water hoses to fill wheely bins with. And shorts and singlet are way more attractive than a billzillion layers.

As of now hot because I'm sick of cold weather we've been stuck in the house for a week because of stupid snow so as of now heat is my answer.

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