Homosexuality - what is your view?


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As for the bible, you have to look at the context and the meaning behind the words. Leviticus was all about putting things into categories and different categories do not mix. So technically you break God's law if you wear clothes that are a blend of two different fibers. Divorce is also condemned in Leviticus but we don't forbid people to divorce. Also, you should be condemned if you touch a woman in any way within 7 days of her period. What Leviticus actually meant in "man shall not lie with man as he does with a woman" means a man should not treat a fellow man as his inferior as he would a woman, because treating a man as a woman was wrong. Back then, every woman belonged to some man, either her father or her husband. Having sex after the wedding to consummate the marriage was the man officially claiming ownership of his new woman. If you have sex with a virgin woman, then you had damaged another man's property. So in essence, Leviticus was property law, and your argument is invalid. nowadays the Bible is used selectively as a weapon, so unless you want to kill all unmarried, non-virginal women,divorcees, and people who wear mixed fabrics, you can kindly stop preaching.

Ciara686, I think your reasoning about that rule is pretty poor. And if you read some posts ago you may have read what I said about Leveticus.

We are no longer under this jewish traditional law since Christ's death but this doesn't mean we must forget what those rules were made for. I believe most of those rules were created for things that had to do with that time.

Anyway, Homosexuality is condemned afain ib the New Testament, making certain to us it's not a mistake.

The same about divorce, which a Christian defenitely should be against because Jesus himself says something against it.

Our school's GSA is getting bigger again. Hopefully, this means there is more tolerance of homosexuality here.

Does anyone else participate in Day of Silence? That is the day when we don't speak at all, to honor those homosexuals who have been ridiculed or been refused the right to defend themselves against prejudices (either because of the law, or because they have been insulted). The date is April 19.

I live in a state where almost everyone thinks gay people should have equal rights, yay! And so my school has an awesome GSA and they put on dances, and hang up flyers saying that everyone should be who they are and love who they as and stuff like that and it's just so awesome to see that when you're just walking down the halls! And people who say "marriage is between a man and a woman" well that used to be a WHITE man and a WHITE woman but things change and we fight for things that are right, last generation it was equal rights for people of color, this generation it is for homosexuals! I love that people are so awesome sometimes, awesome quote(p.s. don't take offense just it's I think it's awesome and if you don't agree then I'm sorry you feel that way)"I hate the word homophobia, it isnt a phobia you're not scared you're just an a**hole" - Morgan freeman true words my friends!

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I say, "getting bigger" when I refer to our GSA. However, that means that right now, in our school of over 1500 people, we have a GSA that meets once a week and has about 15 members, give or take depending on the week.

I hope that with Day of Silence, our GSA will expand though. Currently, we put some posters up in the halls, and we have tshirts, but that's about it.

Apparently last year, the GSA posters got taken down from the walls in the halls at our school. I don't know the whole story because I wasn't there at the time, but evidently there was discrimination against even the Gay-Straight Alliance!

I don't mind that some people do not accept gays, but it still bothers me when people do not accept that other people accept gays. Like those people who took down the posters. >.<

Yes, The Bible defines marriage as being between a man and a woman. There’s no denying that. Who would? It says it right there.

However, that belief is for those who only believe in a Christian marriage. If you were to ask me if marriage is between a man and a woman, I’d say no. because outside of the Christianity bubble, it should also be between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman.

Why? Because a religion should not affect anyone but those who follow the same faith. A religion does not apply to everyone. Not everyone is Christian. A religious belief has no place in the law books, nor does it belong in everyone’s home or lifestyle.

Yeah well it kinda sucks that I'm both a lesbian and a Christian.

I simply can't get the best of both worlds.

So I guess I'll share something that happened on Sunday.

So my friend Margaret sent me a letter backstage during the show I'm in. She told me about her life, gave me some encouraging verses...And then the last paragraph. See, I came out to her several months ago. She told me I should keep praying about it 'cause God is against homosexuality. Then she gave me a verse from Leviticus, which said something along the lines of "Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin." She also followed up saying that I should just stay single all my life and love my friends and family, until God finds the perfect man for me.

I showed the letter to my best friend, Bethie. She's the only one I can trust. She told me that Margaret is discriminating against me, and isn't being a true friend. I think that she's just standing up for what she believes in. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Bethie is a Christian as well, but still whole heartedly accepts me.

When I got home, it hurt to do this, but I ripped up the letter. I couldn't ever let anyone in my family get a hold of it because it clearly stated that I was a lesbian. Hiding it wouldn't do much good. They'd find it eventually. Margaret took the time out of her life to write a letter to me by hand, and I destroyed it.

Anyone aware of yesterday when all those red equal signs were popping up all over Facebook? That felt great. But unfortunately, I also found out that some of my closest "friends" were completely against it. They were all posting how marriage and love is only between a man and a woman. They'll only be my friend if they don't fully know me. It feels horrible.

Just need to say this somewhere. Where else? I'm in tears right now. I can't stop crying. I was certain these people would always care for me. They only will if I'm never myself. I feel like someone just shoved me into a hole and are throwing rocks at me.

(Stefan, please don't respond to this. I've heard your opinions many times already. I know your beliefs. I respect that you're simply standing up for what you believe in like Margaret, but I've got far too much on my plate right now.)

I'd just like to say that I wasn't raised with the idea of homosexuality. My parents (who aren't religious or anti-homosexual in any way) have only mentioned it when I actively asked about it. When I was younger, in silly conversations I can't remember, I would say stuff like "but a girl can't marry a girl" and wouldn't be corrected. I didn't know homosexuality existed then, so I couldn't be blamed for saying that, and I'm pretty sure I didn't mean much by it. I don't remember when I learned about man-and-woman marriage, but I should have learned about homosexual marriage at the same time. The fact that I didn't, and I only found out about it a year or so ago, means that it's just not one of those things people fully accept yet.

I wasn't really raised with the idea of Homosexuality either. Kind of a shame really, there's this period of time when you're about 10-12 years old when everyone calls things gay and I went along with it. By the time people are older, say 17, they're still using other words of the same meaning (i.e. 'bent', '******' etc.), and so was I, which made coming out a lot harder for me. I mean, I don't mind using a derogatory word for gay people every now and again, since I don't mean it as I'm gay myself, and I never use it against gay people so to discriminate them. Discrimination isn't my purpose, it's just a thing I say... I guess I'm rambling. What I'm trying to say is that it's quite disappointing that 'gay' is used as an insult more commonly than so many other traits, so calling someone gay can't be a little bit of teasing, people genuinely think being gay is a bad thing, even if they're not religious and have no reason to say that homosexuality is bad.

But what is great is that even though it's mocked it's also very accepted. If I was born a few decades ago, I would have been attacked with anger over my sexuality. If I was born even further back I would be put in prison simply for being who I am. But today? It's becoming extremely well accepted.

@stefan bauwens that is a very poor argument because anyone can contract that disease be them straight or gay, it is more commonly spread in the gay community because the anal tissue is more sensitive and can contract stds easier than the vaginal tissue so that argument is invalid, also if you are smart it safe there is a lot lower chance of getting it.

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@stefan bauwens that is a very poor argument because anyone can contract that disease be them straight or gay, it is more commonly spread in the gay community because the anal tissue is more sensitive and can contract stds easier than the vaginal tissue so that argument is invalid, also if you are smart it safe there is a lot lower chance of getting it.
I know what causes it.

And that's a reason why anal sex is generally wrong in my opinion. Straight people can change. Homosexuals can too, but it'll be harder I think.

Homosexuality is not a choice. So, SO many homosexuals get bullied. Some even kill themselves because it gets so bad. Trust me, if someone was getting bullied because of something that they could easily change, they would change that. Homosexuality is NOT a light switch. You can't switch it on some days and then switch it off on others. You're either born with it or you're not.

I completely agree but i was saying for him that he can choose not to have anal sex, trust me i know that i didnt choose to become gay.

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