Homosexuality - what is your view?


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Ouch. I just stated my opinion and now the whole thread is going against me. X_X

I have nothing against gay people. It's not as if I think they're bad or anything - It's homosexuality ITSELF that bothers me, not the peoplle. There is a reason why there are two genders, is there not? Otherwise everyone could be gender-neutral and that's that. It is okay for someone to love and have a special bond with someone of the same gender, but I do not see the point in being IN love with them. There's a difference between loving someone and being in love with them.

I just don't like it because... Well, it just seems so... off... and I just have terrible memories from when I was younger. I just turned on the TV and it had two guys kissing and I was like "O______________O" and ever since then... Ugh.

But I never usually mention my disliking of this issue, and I certainly wouldn't treat gay people less equally than anyone else. ;)

At school people are definitely against homosexuality. It really bothers me because they're not just stating an opinion...today I was talking quite normally to my friend Fwoggy at school and some kid on another table said "I think *my name* and *Fwoggy's name* are lesbian!!!" and that was quite offensive to us. We just have a normal friendship, we are not at all in love and as far as we know we are not homosexual, but even if we were they shouldn't make fun of it. If they were prepared to have a calm discussion on it at an appropriate time (e.g. not in the middle of an art lesson, which is when that took place) then that would be okay, but just yelling something that's not even true isn't nice at all.

Ah I understand EMF, thanks for clearing that up C:

Yeah that happened to me with a guy at school, like Dazz. We're friends so he was kinda joking calling me a lesbian, but it still sort of made me mad D:

I never even mentioned anything of homophobia.

I know what homophobia is. I was like EMF about a year ago, but I wasn't homophobic, I just didn't really like them.

But I've learned to accept them for their differences. We're all just people, and I just don't understand how you can have a problem with someone just because of what gender they like. That's all I'm saying.
I think you misunderstood me a little there.

That was meant to be a separate part of my post, in no way related to you or EMF, or anybody else.

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I'm ok with it. I don't judge people by which gender they like, their appearance, etc. I treat people equally. All people should be treated equally

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I grew up in a very conservative, Christian household. My parents are both strongly homophobic as was I until a few years ago. When gay couples kissed on the TV, my parents told me to cover my eyes. When my cousin came out as gay, my parents never wanted us to associate with him again. I think if I had never taken part in anything on the Internet I would probably have a homophobic mindset overall seeing how my household is. But I joined Tumblr and Twitter and was introduced to TV shows that also are pro-gay rights and it opened my mind and helped me realize that I was bisexual.

I don't see the problem against homosexuality. Love is love. If you don't like gay couples, don't look at them. You don't need to prevent them from getting married if you don't support their relationship. God loves all and the bible was written by humans, right? It's also thousands of years old so God's views might have changed. And unlike the popular belief, homosexuality isn't a light switch. You don't wake up in the morning and say, "Okay it's Monday this is my gay day, Tuesday I'll turn it halfway so I can have both and Wednesday I'll turn it all the way off!!" If you could choose your sexuality, I'm sure that many of the bullied homosexuals would have chosen to be straight.

Um yeah I don't really know where I'm going with this but seeing how New York legalized gay marriage last summer I think the USA is slowly but surely coming to terms with it. I never understood it, though, how in the first amendment of the Constitution it guarantees everyone their rights and that everyone is equal yet gays can't marry. Meh.

Ouch. I just stated my opinion and now the whole thread is going against me. X_X

I have nothing against gay people. It's not as if I think they're bad or anything - It's homosexuality ITSELF that bothers me, not the peoplle. There is a reason why there are two genders, is there not? Otherwise everyone could be gender-neutral and that's that. It is okay for someone to love and have a special bond with someone of the same gender, but I do not see the point in being IN love with them. There's a difference between loving someone and being in love with them.

I just don't like it because... Well, it just seems so... off... and I just have terrible memories from when I was younger. I just turned on the TV and it had two guys kissing and I was like "O______________O" and ever since then... Ugh.

But I never usually mention my disliking of this issue, and I certainly wouldn't treat gay people less equally than anyone else. ;)
I think the first problem here is your belief of homosexuality and the person being separate items. One does not practice homosexuality, it is not taught nor is it learnt. It just simply is. :)

Other than procreation, there are no other reasons as to why men should only be with women and vice-versa. There are not only two genders, look at transgendered people.

"It is okay for someone to love and have a special bond with someone of the same gender, but I do not see the point in being IN love with them. There's a difference between loving someone and being in love with them."

I could say the exact same for heterosexual couples. ;)

Hmm... Where to start on this topic?

For starters, I am one of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, for those who don't know). I'm the "B" part (Bisexual)

Now, another thing to say is, Those who are Gay, Lesbian, Bi, or Transsexual are people, however homosexuality is far from "normal." Before you start hating me, hear me out.

The instinct of every Multi-cellular creature is reproduction, correct? That means one male and one female mating. However, two of the same gender cannot breed, and therefore defy Nature's original Intentions. Homosexuality itself is an abnormality and occurs very rarely in other species, however it is nowhere near immoral or disgusting. People who are Homosexual are people, just as all cats are cats and all horses are horses. However, homosexuality does not match with instinct, and therefore is not "normal," however the people who fall under the category of gay or lesbian are just people.

Bisexual and proud of it!!!

being a teenager i question my sexuality a lot, and i'm standing on the thin line between hetero and bi.

i see nothing wrong with being gay, bi, or a. i really don't understand what all the fuss is about sexuality, really. it's a trait you're born with, and you can't help it, really.

and it's certainly not a reason to hate someone, or make predictions about the whole of the homosexual community.

* may i add i've never had homophobic thoughts? i've always found other sexualities actually to be an interesting { much less controversial.. } topic! i actually quite enjoy writing from a homosexual character's point of view- it proves to be an interesting point of view. anyhow- maybe the thought of a male attracted to a male might disturb someone deeply, somehow? i still really do not understand homophobia. :0

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Just so you guys know, I'm not a complete noob here:)

I've had like 4 accounts, been a member since I was 10: Anyway, I really don't care, I just believe that someone is born gay/bi/les, and have no problem with people who are. They're normal people haha! I'm bisexual and everyone knows I'm exactly the same person as I was before I came out as Bi. I'm still the same Grace haha!


I just found an awesome quote:

"Around 1,500 species of documented animal species depict homosexual behavior.

Only one documented species contains homophobia.

Which one seems unnatural now?"

I was thinking the other day that homosexuality may be something that proves that life isn't just an accident. That humans aren't only held down by instinct or the rules of nature. Something that proves that people will sacrifice a lot for one they love. Thinking deeper, it may be something that proves that love is more than just a chemical or hormone. Not even nature can keep someone from loving someone else. Things like this - things that science doesn't explain - gives me hope. Hope for holding together the concept of love in a society where is it mostly overlooked. ./endrant

Okay I'm finished.

Homosexuality is not wrong in any way, shape, or form. I have an uncle who is gay and dresses in drag and does shows for a living, I have a number of cousins who are openly gay and aren't afraid to say it. Love is love, no matter what religion, race or gender you are. You were born that way, embrace it, enjoy it, you are no different from any other human being walking the earth because we are all the same on the inside. We have hearts, we have brains, we have emotions. We are humans, we should love and care for one another instead of hate and despise. Same goes for marriage. Not everyone follows the same religion, nor is everyone heterosexual. If you love someone, you should have the right to marry them. Straight marriage, gay marriage. It's the same. The human race is not going to be wiped from existence because someone is born gay. Not everyone is homosexual, nor someone doesn't choose to be it.

I grew up in a Catholic household ( dropped my views once I got older ) and my parents had no problem with it. They would always say, "They can do what they want. It is their choice, they aren't different from us and do not hate them for it, if all humans on earth were stripped from their skins, they would all be the same on the inside. Always love, do not hate." Which is very true. People need to open their eyes and realize it is not a disease or a choice. It's natural, it's not something artificial that humans have created. If you don't like it, don't become it or look at it. You aren't going to be forced to be gay. They were born with it, just like you were born to be straight. Deal with it, it's them, not you.

I don't think homosexuality is wrong. If you truly love someone, it doesnt matter what gender they are or religion and stuff. I used to think it was weird and I'd say it was gross because my friends did, but now I speak my opinion.... And I'm at the age where you start exploring your sexuality and It's just been a thought on my mind but what would it be like to be in a relationship with another guy? >// n //<;;

It's funny 'cause I'm Catholic, I'm not gay (I'm bisexual*) and I honestly don't see a problem with it. Nobody can control they're sexuality and I'm perfectly comfortable being around gays/lesbians and I think it has nothing to do on someone's character.

As YouTuber luanlegacy said, "I didn't choose to be gay, gay chose to be me."

No one can choose their sexuality. I think it's something that should be embraced, and it should have nothing to do with the way people think of anyone. I think it should be totally normal and acceptable to go up to someone/a group of people and be like, "Hey, I like girls. And, I like boys too." (or whatever fits your situation)

Bottom line, sexuality has nothing to do with character. The religious controversy is just annoying. The Bible contradicts itself when it says things like this. It's been stated that homosexuality is a sin, however it then says all men are created equal. God made us all and he loves us all. It's okay to be gay. (that rhymes :3) but it seriously is. No one should feel uncomfortable about it.

I think Homosexuality is 100% fine (i'm kinda biased though as I am pansexual). Everyone has their own opinions so I'm not bothered when people think homosexuality is "wrong" but I do get bothered when people try to change and "cure" gay people and make anti-gay groups. You can't force a straight person to like their own gender and you can't force a gay person to like someone their opposite gender, plain and simple.

Only a few years back it was thought odd or strange for women to vote or become a mechanic, or vice versa for a man to become an elementary school teacher or nurse. Society has always had weird ideas about how and what a woman and man should be. Gradually people broke out of those stereotypes and anyone can do whatever they set their heart to.

The side that religion says that homosexuality is wrong will change too - I'm catholic and the church has changed as popular views and needs of society have changed. WAY WAY in the past marriage was set up at some point and adultery became a bad thing - the real reason for this WASN'T because marriage was seen in the bible as only between ONE man and ONE woman (many fmailies in the bible are actually polygamous), it was because STD ran rampant with people who slept around. The church thought it could help by limited the amount of people you transmitted things to. Less people (not a ton less cause there will always be cheaters and those in the worlds oldest profession....) died from things like syphilis.

Gays were persecuted through most of the modern times as the people who were dying from AIDS - they called it the gay cancer. In the town over from where I used to live the largest population of those with AIDS were young girls in their teens being promiscuous and shooting up drugs. Anyone can get STDs no matter what gender and orientation they are, but they tried for a time to make gays the criminals in the fight again STDs.

It's true that animals in nature have homosexual relationships and most of the time animals only have sex for the sake of reproduction. Humans funny enough don't. We are very capable of loving and showing affection in many ways. Some religions teach that sex without reproducing is a sin, but we don't look down on people walking down the street in straight relationships who can't/don't want children, but still have a loving sexual relationship with their partners. And the point of fact is that straight people do some of the same things that gay couples do in bed, we just don't think about it as often when with straight couples. Honestly, the private bedroom life of people should stay in the bedroom and we shouldn't think about it cause it's not our business to know.

And isn't it better to see people hugging, kissing, and holding hands looking at each other with so much love out in the streets and public than fighting and hurting one another? It's not just homosexuals that have this issue of people not being able to see eye to eye. People with disabilities and other problems are also still discriminated against because people tend to have the well, i'm not that now so I don't need to support it point of view till something happens to them. It's hard to step into shoes that you don't own....


I would post a link to the Tomboy song 'Its okay to be gay'. But due to the huge numbers of 'naughty' references in it I won't

In all seriousness though, as a boy who's had a handful of crushes on men and like 1 on girls, I have a pretty biased opinion, so I probably needn't comment on the matter. But I have to say I'm amazingly pleased with all of the gay-rights breakthroughs we've had recently ^^.

Theres nothing wrong with homosexuality. I do have friends who are gay too, they act like normal people. In my old school, being "gay" was an insult. It was so hated in my school nobody would hangout with homosexual people. I hated my school so much, they're such mean people. I wish everyone could understand just because some people are homosexual on who they like doesn't mean they're no different than heterosexual people or bisexual people.

- TamaTamatchi

Gay or straight, none of it bothers me. A lot of you younger people are seriously bringing a tear to my eye with how accepting and (quite frankly) logical you are, these days. Honestly, it awakens hope within me that future generations are going to be this world's salvation.

Remember, it wasn't too long ago that many--MANY people considered something like a black man and a white woman together as unacceptable, even disgusting and immoral. In fact, there was a time when they couldn't even be married. Go a bit further back, and the black man could have been hanged, legally. Nowadays, we all see how ridiculous and harmful that type of sentiment was. It's very easy to hate others (or claim that you just "hate what they do") when you're not the target of that hatred and judgement.

The winds of change are blowing, and it's such a breath of fresh air. I'm glad to see that most of us stand on the side of love and acceptance--on the side of true humanity.

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