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as i said, it depends on consistancy. [i think. it seems realistic]

you can try =p

yay for tea with lemon && honey 8D

I was coughing up elephants last night,

and that idea rlyrly helped my throat<3

I know 2 hicccups cures. They do work.

1. Drink a glass of water whilst holding your right arm up as high as you can.

2. Suck on icecubes (one at a time) This is what I use.

And eating honey is really good for sore throats 8D

And if you mix lavender and water together and sniff it it relaxes you.

Oh.. and be careful with the perfume feet thing. I tried it and I tasted the perfume ._.

^eww lul you tasted it??

I've been wearing my fuzzeh socks and I dun wanna put perfume on =p

right now;;

but i'll try later and report back=]

I'll put some perfume on. You just spray it and rub it into your feet, right? o_O

crux- I'm gonna try that hiccup cure. I always get hiccups whenever I laugh with my friend in class, and they sound really weird. People think I'm a freak..

sadly, I don't have any remedies. I got a remedy off youtube where you put sugar in a cut open onion with water and leave it for 24 hours and it cures colds... xD that didn't work.

omg..does anyone have a remedy for a stuffeh nose?

the tea cured my throat

but the elephants i thought i coughed up actually just migrated to my nose O-O

so yesss, help?


It actually works xD

omg..does anyone have a remedy for a stuffeh nose?the tea cured my throat

but the elephants i thought i coughed up actually just migrated to my nose O-O

so yesss, help?
Kleenex scented with Vicks. If you can get those. They're a very speciaaaal kind, so you might not find them, but if you do..... they will help.

Oh, and nice- coughing up elephants 8D

Oh.. and be careful with the perfume feet thing. I tried it and I tasted the perfume ._.

That didn't happen with me.

Heh. That gives me an idea- I might take a chance on rubbing my heels with mints, or even pizza! Muahahah.

Ooh, I am totally stacked with remedies.

If you have a spoonful of peanut butter on it's own, it's guaranteed to kill almost all food cravings. But the minor flaw of that is well, I don't think it stops cravings for more peanut butter... O_O

Well, try it anyway. Its good.

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I put perfume on my feet..

You could smell it at first, but when I walked around for like 10 minutes it wore off ._.

SK & Emilee.

Boil water in a kettle.

Pour it in a pot. (Not too big of a pot.)

Put your face over it, and cover your head with a towel.

Wait a bit.

Then blow your nose. 8D

SK & Emilee.Boil water in a kettle.

Pour it in a pot. (Not too big of a pot.)

Put your face over it, and cover your head with a towel.

Wait a bit.

Then blow your nose. 8D
Thankies :3 I'll try that tonight.

I've always been told that taking a hot bath/shower and breathing in the steam helps, but I did that a few times and it almost seemed to make it worse.

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