Home Remedies


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2006
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Last night my cousins had one of their friends sleep over and I was doing manicures on them. I accidentally left the red nail polish open (not one of my smartest moments ^.^') and my dad picked it up by the top and it spilled onto the carpet! My dad ran straight to the computer and looked up a way to get it out. Many people suggested rubbing shaving cream into the stain in circular motions, so we tried it. Surprisingly, it came right out! Then I thought, "Hey! That would make a good topic!" So here I am, wondering what other "home remedies" you guys have to share. :)



Vicks? I would've never thought of that. I use Proactive for my acne, lol.

The other day I learnt that:

If you rub raw garlic on the bottom of your foot, your whole body stinks of garlic the next day?

The next thing you know, I was rubbing 'Curious' by Brittney Spears onto my heels real thick.

Haha. You're probably thinking:

"Naw, I bet it didn't work. And if Jaimee says it did, she's lying."

But it worked, my friend. My dad even greeted me with "Woaah!! You smell like a perfume shop!!" In the morning. Don't believe me? Ask him. Or maybe a bit easier than flying all the way to Australia for that, try it yourself.


The results are unbelievable!!

Anyway, another one.

When my nose is blocked, my mum makes me snort salt water. Blech, I can even TASTE it afterwards.

You probably already know this one, but if you drink camonmile tea with lemon and honey in it if you have a sore throat, it soothes a TON.

Once, my nose was all stuffy, and my parents thought they could invent something. They got a menthol stick from somewhere(don't ask me where. Seriously, I don't know anything about the stuff they keep and I don't know why they keep it, or where for that matter.), coated it in this strange, minty liquid, and added a spritz of nasal spray for seriously blocked noses. So you put it up to your nose, sniff it, and it doesn't work that well but it feels nice and soothes.

Next day, at the shops, we see one, just like it only with a plastic cylinder with holes in the top for cleaner use.

Vicks Inhaler? Meh. Sounds pretty cool, but they do the same thing as my parents. We still make our own cause' it's stronger and smells nicer.

Thanks! That idea is interesting. I have to admit, I'm a little skeptical. I might do an experiment. :(

Oh em gee, Ima so gonna try rubbing perfume stuff into my feet so I smell nice. 8D

I'm not good with home remedies. At all. Like, the female side of our family pass down recipes and stuff, and I've attempted and messed up a good amount of them. Cooking faaailure.

Mix a half cup of water, a table spoon of salt, and a quarter cup of white vinegar/lemon juice. Put in a dirty penny. take it out in 45 seconds. Wipe it off, good as new.

It works with dimes, but not nickels or quarters for some reason.

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Heh. Hope I helped, guys. Hehe, I might spray all the floors in my house with air freshener. xD

I have another:

If you have an aloe vera plant, snap one of the leaves at about the middle. Use the slimy part of the broken off bit and put it on a small cut or wound. It really helps.

Ah... *refreshes self*

I close my room, sit on my couch, and have long talks, conversations, and rants to myself. xDD

It really works though.

I had the hiccups once. My grandma lit a match and put the tip in a glass of water. The flame went out and the water was just a little bit smokey. I drank it and my hiccups were gone. My hiccups eventually come back after a while though, but thats just me. I have the hiccups for about two days when I get them. But Thats what I do to cure hiccups

Edit: Typo

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Tiger Balm: Works for everything. Muscle pains and aches, sprained ankles, sports related injuries, stuffy nose, congestion.

Warm Milk: makes you sleepy, so if you can't sleep or have insomnia, try a glass. chamomile tea works too.

Last night my cousins had one of their friends sleep over and I was doing manicures on them. I accidentally left the red nail polish open (not one of my smartest moments ^.^') and my dad picked it up by the top and it spilled onto the carpet! My dad ran straight to the computer and looked up a way to get it out. Many people suggested rubbing shaving cream into the stain in circular motions, so we tried it. Surprisingly, it came right out! Then I thought, "Hey! That would make a good topic!" So here I am, wondering what other "home remedies" you guys have to share. :wacko:

Can you use anything else? All we have is shaving gel. I have a towel with nail polish on it in my closet cause I don't want my mom to find it.

My friends grandma puts windex on mosquito bites and it works. 8D And my mom uses vinegar and water on sunburns xD My little sister got sunburned once and my mom put the stuff on her and then started calling her Potato Chip! xD

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Can you use anything else? All we have is shaving gel. I have a towel with nail polish on it in my closet cause I don't want my mom to find it.
I'm just geussing here;

but i think it's the foamy-soay consistancy that helps;

idk about the gell.

unless it's foamy?

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