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This is a copy. I made a post like this. But it died out SOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....

I am gonna be a: Mousey! Me and my 2 mice are gonna be in our Towns yearly Pet Parade as the 3 Blind Mice...

My goal: To (finally) go out trick-or-treating alone and to get a pillow case full of candy (I didn't even get half last year :huh: )

I don't celebrate Halloween, not exactly an Aussie tradition. But I still watch all the Halloween specials on TV though.

If I was allowed I would probably go trick or treating, but as I said, it's not an Aussie tradition, plus I'm a bit too old for it.

I'm not being anything. I'm going to throw unwanted candy at little children! MWUAHAHAHA!

Nah, I'm just kidding with yah. xD I really don't feel like going around my neighborhood a bazillion times for stuff that'll give me pimples and raise my weight. ^.^;

I'm being Hannah Montana! <_< I'm blonde, so I hope that I can pull it off. (I still could use a wig!)

Some of these costume ideas are so creative- keep up the good work! :furawatchi:

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i dont celebrate halloween anymore...the scaryness is gone and it just seems to be a big gimick now...

i'll just celebrate my birthday and endlesly play guitar hero all day long

I'm not going out on Halloween, instead i'm having a Party.

But no ordinary party- no. :]

Let me explain.

I have a little stuffed Cat, called Kitty. Ive had her since i was 7. Her birthday is exactly on Halloween. She's practicaly family really. So anyway, every year i go halloweening one night, and the next halloween we have a party for Kitty. She is 5 this year. I love her so much, and the people i live with (My Grandma and Grandad) Love her too, particculary my Grandma. <3 I nearly allways get her a present, of somekind. I talk to her tell her secrets and everything. ;] She makes me happy when im sad.

So, we use:

Glittery cats and pumpkins and things.

Pumpkin faces, (if not we use Turnips xD)

Fizzy Cherry Pop (Pretendy blood)

And we turn the lights off and put a skeleton lamp, and some candles on./

I dress Kitty up for halloween. I put a binbag over her, and put her Kitty slippers on.

It's a fun time Halloween, i hope you all have a good one. <3

I'm being Hannah Montana! :eek: I'm blonde, so I hope that I can pull it off. (I still could use a wig!)Some of these costume ideas are so creative- keep up the good work! :eek:
Lol, Hannah Montana. Thats What I'm Also being

I asked my Friend a couple Weeks ago on What i should be for halloween, And She Said "I dunno. Hannah Montana?" Then i said "...That'd be Awesome!".

If not, Then i might be Sharpay from HSM. (I'll Just need a Blonde Wig, Since my hair is Dark Brownish Red. Unless of Course i Dye it Blonde)

Last year i was a witch. Year before that, An Old lady. xD

Or...I might want to be a Dead Emo-Girl Person. With Black Angel Wings. o_O.

god....i don't know anymore. I was going to be Leia from Star Wars but then I was like "well....." Then I though that I could make a costume. a black costume thing that has glowing sticks in the shape of a stick person, i saw it on tv once. idk...still working on it. i'm still leaning towards the Star Wars...but that hair.......

I really don't know yet ^^

Last year I was a princess [ yes a princess ] and to add something different I wore plastic fangs.

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