Oh this is a fun topic!

I love that many of us overlap in creative hobbies and a general love of fantastical worlds beyond our own (through video games, books, animes, whichever)!
My two most core hobbies have not changed much since my childhood.. Art and video games!
Usually always carrying my iPad for on-the-go drawing (loooove digital art the most, but used to primarily do "traditional" w/ water colours) and either my Nintendo DS orrr Nintendo Switch... at home I use my gaming PC a lot. Playing Tamagotchi Connection Corner Shop 1 on my DS, Stardew Valley on my Switch, and Fallout 3 on my PC at the moment.
Reading is another huge hobby of mine and I'll read anything and everything including (but not limited to) scientific journals, medical studies, political think-pieces, fiction, non-fiction, autobiographies, etc etc. Also enjoy visual novels a lot and they are one of my preferred ways to experience a story! When the art and music is working in tandem with the writing it creates the most incredible atmosphere I think! I highly recommend
The House in Fata Morgana and/or the
Higurashi Series.
I maintain a decent sized organic garden with herbs, veg and fruit.
That is so awesome! Do you cook a lot with your home grown herb/veg? Gardening is something I would love to do (especially as I am passionate about cooking and having good ingredients is half the battle) but I'm still struggling with a bit of a black thumb LOL. My BF encouraged me to get some plants in my apartment and half are doing well but half have died.
I collect skittles! (But everyone knows that already)
That is a really unique item to collect! I don't think I've encountered anyone who collects candy before - very interesting and cool!!
What does your collection look like? Do you buy doubles so you can eat some as well? Do you have to store them in a special way to keep it from melting/melding/etc?