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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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Yeah, this topic fails, I know.. No need to restate it.

Anyway, recently one day when I was at my locker (Okay, I wear like 20 bracelets on my arms), there's this girl that goes "OH MY GOD! I LOVE YOUR BRACELETS!".. After 2nd period, she finds me again, and she goes "OMG, can I borrow one of your bracelets", and I say "Sure". So after 4th period, she comes to my locker and stares at me, I say.. "Oh you can have it! ^^", and she goes "THANK YOU!". The next day, I offer her one of my bracelets, she squeals "THANK YOU!". At times, she gives me a lot of compliment on my clothes. Then like today.. she appears out of thin air, making a deal with me.. she was willing to pay me for making bracelets, I refuse the offer and simple say "Hmm.. I won't charge you, I'll do it for free.. but.. I'm kinda asking you a favor, do you have any gay friends, males?". She goes "Yeah! Sure, give me your phone number, and I'll help you."

Well the point is, does it seem like I'm using her? Because I don't want to seem like I'm using her, because I'm providing service for her, so should I make this deal with her tomorrow? At times, I randomly talk to her, and she seems like a really nice and awesome person, and i want to be her friend at the same time. x.x

I'm really a deep conscience person. x.x

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I wouldn't say it's using her exactly, but I can see this going one of three ways, especially if you don't know her very well.

One, she gives your number to guys that would be interested.

Two, she gives your number out as a joke to people.

Three, she doesn't hold up her end of your deal.

I don't see it as using her, as you're doing something in exchange. It's more of a deal.

Nuuuu not at all.. It's like er.. barter or something.

Yeah. Yup, that's a cool thing 'cause you giving and getting. The 2 G's. :p Sorry, brain is fried

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