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I'd like to point out the flaws here.
12 year old teaching English in a foreign country. Yeah no. Can you say illegal? You'd need a teaching degree which requires college, also a signed contract with the school in question. No 12 year old has the legal power to do either of those things.

Your friends are there with you? They're teaching with you I'll assume you'll say. Sorry, schools wouldn't chose groups of friends to go to 'teach'. They would choose the most qualified people to get the job done if they were even legally allowed to do so.

Anime convention. Completely stereotypical. No more comment there.

I have a strong feeling that if someone were to trace your IP, it wouldn't be in Japan.

If you really want to prove you're in Japan. Get a picture taken at the dog statue in Shibuya holding a paper with your username on it.

I could understand that you might be there visiting, but to say you're teaching? No.

Again, logic my friends. It's a good thing.

Try again.
I guess you can't say im teaching per say, i am at the school though, and i am teaching a few english phrases, I understand that you find it fishy lol its cool, I'll get the picture if ya want me to =3

Last time I cheked, the Japanese in schools do have English taught to them. I am pretty sure they wouldn't let a 12-13 year old be teaching "minor" english. Plus, SK pointed out some of the things you said such as the convention thing was sterotypical.

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She did say she would get the picture. I'm jealous of her. I WANNA GO! >.< But oh well.


P.S: Can you show the piccy? just in case because I want to see too. :D

PPS: She's 13, not 12. :D Just to correct your post. (Not to be rude)

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yesh, i no yall are suspicious but i have the pic of the dog statue, but unfortunately i wasn't aloud to stand with it because my supervisor said no, so i took a pic of it while we were in the car. I'm gonna take pics of the hotel room and all that with my user name, Gomenasai!


What is it like there?
well tokyo is really loud and bright at night hehe, other than that its fun =D But its kinda hard becuz when i go to a shop and the shop keeper speaks a little to fast and i have to ask them to repeat becuz i couldnt quiet catch it >_< xD

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